Under The…

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Under The…

I’m a day late, but for once I’m not a dollar short. It’s a busy week by any standard of measure. Christmas was a fun day with the family and we’re creeping up on the new year.


I’m not opposed to washing dishes. I actually find it sort of therapeutic, unless the sink is lower than mid-thigh. Having to bend way over to wash a lot of dishes puts a persistent pressure on my ribs. The ones I thought were all better.

Not so much.

I haven’t hurt this much since late October. It makes me tired and cranky. Which only leads to more stress overall. I don’t mind the current “transitional” gig but I’m not entirely in love with it either. If I wanted restaurant work, I’d have engaged in it ages ago.

The thing that concerns me is that if fairly light duty at a volunteer restaurant with few-to-no customers causes me to regress a couple of months pain-wise, I have no idea when/if I’m getting back to the factory or how incredibly insufferable it would be.

It’s tense.

I could be stuck at this place for weeks or I could be sent back to the factory for which I’m not structurally prepared. Either way, it’s a problem.

…Christmas Tree

I like this song even though it’s about somebody being alone at Christmas. The tune is a lot zippier than the lyrics. Pretend she’s singing in a different language.


Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. ~Lao Tzu

Christmas is a time for selfless giving. There’s nothing I love more than giving my wife lots of kisses under the mistletoe. I’m never going to get tired of that. She’s just too cute.

That’s it for today. I’m up much later than I ought to be, but I’m expecting to make some progress this weekend.

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