Still My President

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Still My President

Last night’s State of the Union address was a phenomenal speech with a strong message of hope. Today’s acquittal of the President was an overdue end to a preposterous bit of treachery. Life is good and getting better.


Whether you like Donald Trump or not, you have to give him credit for his capacity to persevere and accomplish goals that he has set for himself without regard to the resistance he’s subjected to. Ultimately, he’s doing what he thinks is best for the country he loves. A lot of us think that’s admirable. We want what he wants and we’re thrilled when he gets another part of his agenda put into operation.

Whether you like me or not (although, if you don’t, I can’t imagine why you’re here reading this), I’d like credit for my capacity to persevere and build resources that will be absolutely vital at a future point. A lot of people think that’s stupid. It’s easier for people to believe in your dreams when you’re a billionaire.

Meh. I’m doing what I can with what I’ve got. Just be patient. I sure am.



Okay, so I’ve been taking a bit of a hiatus from online business stuff in order to focus on my writing.

Cool, but vacation time is over and I’m itching to get back into it in order to take action on some projects I had in mind for the coming year. As Sunny says in the video above, passive income is made possible by having assets staged online.

I’ve seen a couple of dollars here and there from some of the Amazon product links on my sites. As it turns out, I’ve sold a couple of my word puzzle books over the holidays as well. Not a bad start but more needs to happen.

Unfortunately, I have a lot of experience in how not to do things. I’d like a coherent blueprint of what actually works these days. I can’t help but think that the reason such a list is unavailable is that people are really just blundering around getting lucky. It’s been said that even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.

I think a lot of these blind squirrels happen to wander near to sizeable nut caches. Some of them just thank their good fortune and live comfortably. Some of them perch on a branch and squeak about how awesome they are. Ask a couple of how to questions and their expertise shifts to condescending snark.

And people wonder why IM gurus have a bad name…


Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Pablo Picasso

I could use a bit of a wash after the events of the past 24 hours.

When the Speaker of the House visibly tore up her copy of the State of the Union speech in mute protest, it made me quite angry. Bitter partisan idiocy has been a problem in our government for years now. Her lack of decorum during previous State of the Union addresses was bad enough but this one really took the cake. Hopefully, she’ll be fined for destruction of government property.

The President was acquitted of the completely spurious charges leveled against him in the two Articles of Impeachment. It would have been along party lines, but Mitt (the loser) Romney decided to cross over to the Democrat side and vote against the President. The whole impeachment process was conducted inappropriately. Secret hearings in the basement. No defense witnesses permitted. No actual laws cited in the alleged “crimes”. It was an exercise in impropriety and, fortunately, it blew up in their faces.

I actually trusted someone to try to address a question they had posed to the group and it rapidly turned into the typical blame-the-victim puffery you find in would-be coaching groups.

I’m not in that group anymore.

I didn’t actually expect anything from them but I wouldn’t have minded being pleasantly surprised with a helpful tip or two. Not surprisingly, no tips were disclosed and I’m now pretty ill-disposed toward the “coaches”.

I don’t actually know the one guy but the other one is someone I’ve been at least generally fond of for quite some time. Not so much anymore.

Diving into my fictional world to view things through the eyes of my characters gives me a nice escape from the idiocy that plagues our world. I got a couple of chapters cranked out last night and I hope to have one or two more tonight.

God, seriously. I just want to scrub my head out with a wire brush.

People just piss me off with their bullshit. At least my characters are having some success in positively transforming their own flawed world. Gives me something to focus on that doesn’t make me angry.

It’s another #WINNING day in America. 🇺🇸 I hope you’re thriving wherever you are.

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