A Balmy August Weekend

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A Balmy August Weekend

There’s a lot to be grateful for this weekend, particularly the weather.

The Bright Side Of Gratitude

On the good news side of things, I should be getting a contract offer on Monday. Hopefully, it will be viable. I remain cautiously optimistic.

The weather is quite beautiful and it seems as though it will continue to be for the foreseeable future. That’s fine by me.

The kids are doing well and most of the family is in good health. For this, I am truly grateful.

Getting Organized

How To Create A Series Bible \\ How To Plan And Write A Series, Video #4
How To Plan & Write A Series (Heart Breathings)

I took Sarra’s advice from a slightly different angle. Of course, creating a series bible is a very important way to stay on track and consistent within your story world(s). What I’ve done, though, is to create a series/milieu wiki for each of my 3 genres that are meant to be available to the public.

There are a lot of fan wikis at Fandom for just about every movie franchise, TV series, series of books or collection of comic books. Whatever anyone is a fan of, there seems to be a wiki for it.

I’m not sure they’re all authorized by the intellectual property owners and some of them have a fair amount of fan speculation and superfan obsessive minutiae that the actual authors or screenwriters probably haven’t even conceived of themselves.

That’s cool, but I figured I’d create some fan-service wikis that would have the “official” word on what’s what in the Sentinelsverse, the World of Auringia or the Far-Flung Reaches of the galaxy.

I announced this in one of my FB writers’ groups and they’re all like:

Um, are you writing?


Jeez, just because I’m trying to create a branded property site for my genre milieus doesn’t mean I’m not writing the stories that go there. Freakin’ people…

Are We There Yet? Sadly, Yes…

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. ~George Orwell

Something I’m not particularly grateful for is the widespread use of what George Orwell dubbed “Newspeak” in his novel, 1984. Per the Encyclopedia Britannica: Newspeak, “designed to diminish the range of thought,” was the language preferred by Big Brother’s pervasive enforcers.

Those of us in the real world simply call it 🐂💩.

The funny thing about Newspeak is that Orwell meant for it to be New Speak; a new way of speaking that was approved by the totalitarian government in the story.

Fortunately, despite rumors to the contrary, our government isn’t totalitarian (except when run by Democrats).

Actually, it’s the whole Leftysphere that’s totalitarian and Newspeak is actually News-speak; a way of speaking that is employed by the so-called news media to obfuscate and generally side-step the truth.

They’re really doubling down on their fictional idiocy in order to reclaim power that they’re neither entitled to nor capable of making proper use of.

Fortunately, everything they do and say is a lie and lies cannot endure. We simply have to wait for their idiotic house of cards to fall.

Let’s make Orwell fiction again…

That’s the stuff rattling around my head this weekend. I’ve got more branding, wikiing, plot gardening and writing to attend to. I hope your weekend is beautiful and relaxing.

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