National Wiener Schnitzel Day 2023

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National Wiener Schnitzel Day 2023

Of all things, today is National Wiener Schnitzel Day. If (like me) you’ve heard of it but had no idea what it actually is, read on. I’ve included a video revealing the secrets of this classic Austrian dish.


A family can develop only with a loving woman as its center. ~Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

House Knowlan would not be nearly as coherent without the tireless efforts of Kelly.

She is and has always been the true heart of this family and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.

I wouldn’t want to have to.

Wiener Schnitzel

Crispy, Juicy and Tender – The Secrets of the Genuine Wiener Schnitzel | Food Secrets Ep. 4

As I mentioned above, I’d certainly heard of Wiener Schnizel. I had no idea what it was.

Having had a couple years of German in High School, I knew that Wiener actually refers to Vienna, Austria.

Naturally, the term has some phallic connotations in colloquial English, but let’s just focus on Vienna.

A lot of German food is localized. Hamburgers are named after the German city of Hamburg. Likewise with Frankfurters. Even donuts have their Berliners.

It’s not so unusual. We’ve got New York and Chicago style pizza, Philly Cheese Steaks. They’re not quite as eponymous as their German counterparts, but we’ve only been here a few hundred years and Germany has been Germany since the Romans were stomping around.

Either way, despite the silly sounding name, that actually looks pretty tasty. It seems like a lot of work to make, but some people have a passion for making arduous dishes.

I’m not one of them. I enjoy food, but I’m not all that keen on making it.

When push comes to shove, I’m good with a handful of peanuts or a basic ham sandwich.


I’ve never known any trouble than an hour’s reading didn’t assuage. ~Arthur Schopenhauer

Aaaaaaargh! I know! I’m so far behind on my reading.

I’ve got tons to catch up on reading-wise and tons more to catch up on writing-wise. It’s a wonder I have any time left, sleeping-wise.

As previously mentioned, I took a look at my outline for Carol’s Christmas and I’m not feeling it. I think the broad strokes are alright but it doesn’t have the same feeling as the other Holiday Season Serial Romances yet. Good thing I’ve got plenty of lead time to fix it.

As for The Sentinels, I’ve got some basic waypoints for that but they’re not fitting together for me. I seem to be vacillating between too much detail and not enough.

Part of it is that I haven’t got the beats and deets for the whole series. It’s hard to foreshadow stuff that happens in a subsequent book when you’re having a devil of a time even writing the first one.

10 Crazy Ways to Write a Book

This guy has some interesting ideas on how to get it cranked out, but I’m still feeling pretty stymied.

Whenever I try to lay out the waypoints, I’m drawing a blank. Whenever I try to just close my eyes and see the story, I get buried in minutiae.

I’m incredibly tempted to jump genres and start working on some Tales Of Olde Auringia, but that’s not the plan. I really want to get the first trilogy of The Sentinels worked out before I start on any of the Tales.

Problem is, they’ve been dancing around in my head a lot lately. It’s just a distraction, though.

I’m a natural procrastinator and my mind wants to tease me with the possibility of making some progress on the other genre. If I relented and began to work on it, that well would run dry and I’d start having an urge to get back to the superheroes.

Such is the life of a writer.

I’ve got to fix the Christmas story so it can get done. I’ve got to figure out what I’m doing with my superhero epic. I’ve got to get some sleep so I can be rested enough to do either.

Das ist alles für diesen gemütlichen Samstag. Not sure if you’re down for malleting a butterfly cut of veal, but there’s always Shake & Bake pork chops as a fall back. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

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