National Boy Scouts Day 2025

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National Boy Scouts Day 2025

As a proud father of two Eagle Scouts, I’m pleased to let you know that today is National Boy Scouts Day.

⚜️ Assisting His Neighbor ⚜️

In assisting his ‘neighbour’ every day to the best of his ability, and keeping truth, honesty, and kindness perpetually before him, the Boy Scout, with as little formality as possible, is pleasing God. ~Robert Baden-Powell

The Boy Scouts’ exhortation to do a good deed daily is the original expression of “random acts of kindness”.

Baden-Powell saw boys with a natural abundance of energy and creativity. He sought to provide a useful outlet for it.

Kids can get into trouble or they can get into skills that will serve them for a lifetime and a sense of civic duty that will drive society in a beneficial direction.

That’s the heart of the Boy Scout movement. Generations of kids have grown into decent, hardworking men on the back of this simple philosophy.

I’m proud of my sons for earning their Eagle Scouts and for my daughter earning her Gold Award in the Girl Scouts.

Big Blue Boy Scout

Why ALL MEN Should Follow the Boy Scout Oath

It’s been said a bit too often that someone is a Boy Scout in a derogatory way.

The notion of remaining physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight is nothing to look down on.

Uncompromising individuals can seem like wet blankets sometimes, but having standards is commendable.

Boy-Scout Masculinity and Why It’s So Misunderstood

If you were a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout, I encourage you to hold fast to those formative values.

The world could use a lot less “nuance” and a lot more grit as we move forward.

⚜️ Be Prepared ⚜️

Be Prepared… the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise. ~Robert Baden-Powell

Wellllllll, that’s good for real life, but not so much for the way I write. Being surprised is half the joy of the process.

As far as the writing goes these days, I’ve been really run down since at least October.

I managed to get The Lights of Pine Hollow done in time, but I still haven’t had the energy to sit down and convert it to paperback.

In previous years, I’d have had it done within days of Epiphany.

I’m perpetually crushed and need the weekend to simply veg and mostly recover enough to get back in shape for the next week.

Even now, I’m creeping up on the first of this year’s monthlies and I’m feeling too tired to cope with it.

I planned ahead last year to devise a throughline theme for this year’s posts on Christmas All The Time, but I don’t think I’ll enact that calendar this year.

So, this weekend is for planning and recuperating. Most likely, it will be more the latter than the former because I’m really, really tired.

That’s it for today. I’ll see you on 🐪 Wednesday 🐫 for one of my all-time favs.

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