National Girl Scout Day 2025

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National Girl Scout Day 2025

As the proud father of a Gold 🌟 Award Girl Scout, I’m here to celebrate National Girl Scout Day with you.

Happy, Healthy And Holy

My purpose… to go on with my heart and soul, devoting all my energies to Girl Scouts, and heart and hand with them, we will make our lives and the lives of the future girls happy, healthy and holy. ~Juliette Gordon Low

Emmeline earned her Gold Award with an excellent service project.

The skills she built throughout her years rising through the ranks of the Girl Scout program helped to hone her innate creativity, determination and organizational skills.

She still employs these skills as a highly respected professional and she’s living her best life with her marvelous husband and two adorable dogs.

What you get out of Girl Scouts depends largely on the effort you put in. It’s an excellent program for developing girls into competent and confident women.

Girl Power


Gold Award Documentary

How the Girl Scout Cookie Empire Was Built

For most of us, the most front-facing experience with Girl Scouts is in the form of adorable little cookie peddlers.

Naturally, this is only one small facet of what the program does for girls.

Much like their counterparts, the Boy Scouts, they experience the challenges of camping, community service and camaraderie.

Also like their counterparts, Girl Scouts have the opportunity to earn badges, journey awards and fun patches expressing specific skills and experiences that they’ve addressed.

I’m glad these programs still exist for kids to grow into solid citizens and take the country forward another generation.

New Goals To Achieve

The Girl Scouts is an organization that constantly gives you new goals to achieve and that’s what life is all about. ~Maria Bartiromo

That is certainly part of what life is all about. Setting new goals and achieving them helps to give our days some meaning.

Certainly, Emmeline has taken this to heart as she works tirelessly at her job while leveraging that into the kind of experiences she wants to have.

I think the Girl Scout program played a large part in her development of organizational and lifestyle management skills.

She’s an amazing person and a shining example of a Gold Award Girl Scout. She was born amazing, to be sure, but she certainly polished it to a high sheen in the pursuit of her Gold Award.

I never cease to wonder at her confidence and determination. I’m both proud and humbled to be her dad.

That’s all for today. See you back on Saturday to celebrate a phenomenal French invention I’d never heard of. 🍐🍨🍫

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