National Poultry Day 2025

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National Poultry Day 2025

The most interesting thing about National Poultry Day is that it tastes like πŸ”


Do not compute the totality of your poultry population until all the manifestations of incubation have been entirely completed. ~William Jennings Bryan

You may be surprised to hear that I will, in fact, not be discussing the price of eggs. More than enough has been said about that at this point.

What I can say is that my life returned to normal over a Swanson Turkey Dinner.

When I met Kelly, she was a hardcore ethical vegetarian. It wasn’t a huge deal to join her in that style of eating.

She had made a solid case of how it was generally better for you and I like vegetables, so no biggie.

As I recently mentioned, I had even worked out a formula for vegetarian liverwurst.

But then, one day when Emmeline was on her way, a miracle…

We knew that Kelly was expecting and I was wondering if she’d have odd cravings like the classic pickles and ice cream.


She wanted a Swanson Turkey Dinner.

And she wanted Chicken Pot Pie, by the gallon.

We were grocery shopping and she sent me in search of Chicken Pot Pie.

Being from the outskirts of Philly, I thought she meant the kind that actually comes in a pie shell.

She did not.

She was sincerely unimpressed.

Fortunately, it was Redners and they had half gallon containers of the ridiculous Dutchy slop that she craved.

But that was pretty much how the whole pregnancy went.

I was free to eat meat again, and Kelly was depopulating birds in mass quantities.

The best part was, not only did we get to go back to eating meat, but we got a really great kid out of the deal.

Of course, with Connor it was steak, but that’s a story for another day.


Guy Fieri Eats Turducken in Sarasota, Florida | Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives | Food Network

I have to say, it sounds marvelous. I don’t know if there’s anywhere around here that prepares turducken, but I’d love to give it a try.

It featured in Carol’s Christmas, with Carol’s ex-boyfriend, Ryan, being the turducken chef of the church’s Thanksgiving dinner.

Of course, if one finally gets to try turducken for dinner, it’s almost obligatory to follow that up with the corresponding dessert: piecaken.

What could be more fun than having a feast of portmanteaus?


Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism, are all very good words for the lips. ~Charles Dickens

That’s somewhat random, but I guess even Charles Dickens can’t be profound all the time.

Word choice is an important feature for characterization.

Do your characters speak like city slickers, hicks, ivory tower snobs or barely sentient orcs?

Picking the right word can help to paint a picture. A derby is more specific than a hat.

You get a clear image of the hat, but it also says something about the person wearing it.

Are they old-fashioned? Are they a typical gentleman in a historical fiction story? Are they a quirky girl who wears her dad’s derby and a gingham sundress?

Armor and weapons automatically denote medieval settings, unless you’re throwing a curveball by setting your story at a RenFaire.

There’s more than just things, though. Colors, sounds, aromas, sensations can all be drawn more clearly with specific word choices.

We all know the sky is blue, but is it cerulean when you’re at the beach or is it a glacier sky in the depths of winter?

Sure, garbage stinks, but a pit of offal and feculence is that much more disgusting.

Certainly, there is a distinct difference between the flavor of a vegetarian meat substitute and the real thing.

Depicting that clearly depends on your word choice. God forbid you’d simply say it tastes like chicken.

That’s all for today. See you back on Saturday for a bit of goofing off.

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