Black Cat Appreciation Day 2024

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Black Cat Appreciation Day 2024

Some people think that there is some aspect of bad luck associated with black cats, but they’re no different than any other kind of cat. Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day and I appreciate my Fluffy no matter how much she roars for snacks.

Crossing Your Path

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. ~Groucho Marx

That’s not always the case with my Fluffy. Sometimes she’s going somewhere and sometimes she’s just standing in front of you for no good reason at all.

Cats are mercurial creatures, but that’s part of what makes them appeal to me.

They just wander around the house like they own the place. They might grace you with a moment of their attention or they might just go about their business.

Either way, they’re silly and unpredictable.

Black Cat Facts

8 Facts You Didn’t Know About Black Cats

The only black magic my Fluffy is involved in is creating horrendous smells in the litter box. Otherwise, she is generally serene.

Sometimes, she feels the need to scratch. We’ve got scratch pads for her to take care of that, but she sometimes uses the couch covers.

No, Fluffy, don’t do that.

Occasionally, she likes to plop down beside me so I can brush her long fur. She seems to like that for a while and then she just wanders off.

If I ever hit the lottery, I will spend at least a month or possibly an entire quarter living the cat life. Doing pretty much nothing and napping a lot seems pretty appealing at this point.

9 Lives

A novel must be exceptionally good to live as long as the average cat. ~Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

What is it that gives a story its staying power? Why do we know Arthur Conan Doyle better than Wilkie Collins?

I don’t know that being locked into a particular time period is a problem. After all, we still obsess over The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick and Jane Austin’s Regency tales.

A tale well told will hold broad appeal. A story with strong themes and social commentary will make them candidates for high school book reports and professorial analysis in college.

Certainly, if you win one of the notable prizes, it certainly helps the marketability and longevity of any book.

Is it all word of mouth? That’s certainly a possibility.

If your book is being discussed in book clubs, classrooms or even on podcasts and BookTube videos, it will have some staying power.

Honestly, I don’t have an answer to this question yet. My books haven’t been around that long. We’ll just see how long they last.

That’s all for today. I’ve had a rather exhausting week and it’s time for a catnap.

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