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Happy St Patrick’s Day!
Top o’ the mornin’ to you, my friends! I’ve got a number of wonderful and magical surprises to let you know you’ve reached the end of the rainbow.
First of the lot is a collection of resources about the Shamrock Shake. Mmmmm… minty… So, let’s have a quick look at what I’ve put together for you:
- Here are the official nutrition statistics on the glorious seasonal treat known as the Shamrock Shake! I’ve linked to the small 12oz shake’s stats because I wouldn’t want to upset Mayor Bloomberg’s nutrition nazis with the whopping 22oz large shake that I personally favor. Sorry, but enough is just never enough.
- In the spirit of ingenuity and free enterprise, Dinner, blogger-chef Sabrina has come up with a DIY recipe so we can have Shamrock Shakes whether Mickey D is serving them up right now or not. Give the recipe a try and see if she’s hit the mark.
- In the spirit of nutrition naziism or from a more positive perspective of extending tasty treats to those who cannot or choose not to partake of high calorie treats, Bethany of Sprinkles And Allergies has developed a dairy-free vegan version. She has overcome a host of allergies through her healthy living and is kind enough to share it with the rest of us. Here is her recipe. Give it a try.
- In the spirit of Mayor Bloomberg’s soda ban was slapped down like the bloody Volstead Act (so, SUCK IT, Food Fascist!), here is a Shamrock Shake Cocktail from Rachel Sanders at BuzzFeed‘s Food section. Note that I rarely drink alcohol so I won’t be able to vouch for this recipe. College is way, way behind me and I have few other circumstances where I feel a need to bother with it. That being said, give it a try if you are of the responsibly imbibing population.
Next on the list of surprises is a list of some of my favorite books and movies having to do with Ireland:
- The Quiet Man – John Wayne plays Sean Thornton, a wealthy gentleman seeking the quiet life in his parents’ home country finds anything but quiet when he falls for the fiery Mary Kate Danaher played by Maureen O’Hara.
- Patriot Games – Harrison Ford plays Jack Ryan, a CIA Analyst who falls afoul of terrorist Sean Miller played by Sean Bean when he interferes in an assassination attempt.
- Game of Thrones – Okay, it doesn’t take place in Ireland but it is filmed there and it has Sean Bean! Not one for the children or the easily offended. HBO enactment of the Song of Ice and Fire anthology by George R. R. Martin.
- Patrick: Son of Ireland – Historical Fiction by Stephen Lawhead regarding the life and adventures of Saint Patrick.
- The Sister Fidelma Mysteries by Peter Tremayne – Historical Fiction centered around the characters of Sister Fidelma of Cashel – sister to the King of Muman, a religieuse of the Celtic Church and an advocate of the Brehon courts and her sidekick, the Saxon monk Eadulf.

And now, the good stuff… I’ve put together a special package for you, my loyal subscribers. This package consists of:
- Article Marketing GOLD – Discover How You Can Use The Huge Power of Article Marketing To Drive Highly Targeted Traffic To
Your Website… And Instantly Become THE Person Your Prospects Want To Buy From! - Ghost Writing Gold – Discover How To Start Earning Money as a Professional Ghostwriter – and Finally Start a Home-Based
Business That Works. - The Golden Key Of Success – The Extraordinary Power of “FOCUS” and What It Will Do For Your Online Business
- Offline Goldmine – Make Money Helping Offline Businesses Succeed
- The Quotable Irish – Irish Quotes & Sayings from the Irish Heritage Festival of Prince Edward Island