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Ice Cream From God
The second nor’easter in a week threatened to bury us in ❆ Snowmageddon ❆ , but the threats were thankfully empty ones. We got a lovely coating of the fluffy stuff. My dog is very fond of eating snow when I have him out to do his business. I understand that others were not so fortunate and there were declarations of states of emergency in quite a few counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. They say things come in threes, so there’s a distinct possibility that we’ll be having another whopper of a winter storm. Hopefully, that one will pass us by as well. I’m actually almost looking forward to the bugs and allergens at this point.
Well, I’m back in sleeping mode. Hadn’t wanted to get there, but hey, when you’re tired you’re tired. The best thing to do is listen to your body and get rest as needed. I have been loading my head with ammunition for my upcoming novel and that tends to make me rather tired.
Research & Rumination
The novel I’ve mentioned is one I started a few years ago. I wrote fifteen chapters in stream of consciousness mode. It was absolutely amazing because it was sort of like I was looking through a window onto another world. The characters spoke for themselves. The actions were completely organic. It all just flowed magically onto the page.
Then I painted myself into a corner.
The story came to a screeching halt. I set it aside and let my subconscious go to work on remodeling the tale so that it wouldn’t come to an arbitrary non-end. There are things to be done with the story and I’m finally back to it.
That’s the creativity angle covered.
I’ve got quite a few videos to get back to for the Pioneer Skill Set channel. That’s not really creative work. I’ve made it into a sort of assembly line process in the interest of keeping the whole thing repeatable for non-technical folks. Honestly, that’s driving me absolutely mad. I have some notions that I want to really apply to the niche and any one of them would render the whole project non-repeatable. Well, maybe not non-repeatable but would add another extensive dimension to the how-to course that I’m not prepared to add to the work. Truth be told, I just need to get the whole lot done and over with so I can start some other niches in which I can free myself to go as far afield as I might choose.
Work of HeArt
The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others. ~Vincent Van Gogh
This is one of the cornerstones of information marketing. The whole purpose of going into an online business is to provide people with solutions that they’re too busy to go about searching for themselves. It may seem as simple as doing a book report, but in honesty people either don’t know how to research properly online or they just can’t be bothered. They just want someone to nutshell it for them and serve it up in easy to digest portions.
What can you expect? You can do it with nearly everything else. Food? There’s a restaurant for every taste within an hour’s drive. Clothes? Whatever you can’t find at the mall, shopping centers or high street, you can get easily online. Anything and everything you can want in life is being provided by specialty retailers. So, it’s your challenge to join the army of specialty providers.
Find something that you’re uniquely qualified to provide solutions for and you’re good to go. What are you interested in? How many other people are interested in that? What do they want? Give it to them and you’re set for life.
The ten-day forecast looks lovely except for a possible rainstorm on Monday. That will be a nice change from the death throes of winter. My dog will be sad to lose his free consignment of heavenly ice cream, but he’ll be just as happy to chase squirrels, chipmunks and rabbits in the weeks to come.