Memorial Day Weekend 2023

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Memorial Day Weekend 2023

Technically, today is National Grape Day, but there’s a lot more to Memorial Day Weekend than grapes…

Happy Memorial Day

A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. ~George William Curtis

Well, I feel as if I’ve been through a war this week and it feels like I’ve been ground under tank treads a dozen times over.

I am shagged the freak out. Thank goodness for the three day weekend. That being said, I have some work commitments anyway.

Fortunately, I have the company of my grandpuppies today. Emmeline is coming over with the doggos so we can all have some fun.

Unleash The Genius

Memorial Day Speech by President Ronald Reagan

If only we had that civic spirit today. Back then, we stood proudly against Communism. Now, we’re sinking into it like a lake of quicksand.

The unofficial start of 🌞Summer🔥 is heralded by Memorial Day. Actual 🌞Summer🔥 doesn’t begin until June 21st at 10:58AM EDT.

In either case, blech!

Fortunately, it’s been unseasonally cool lately. Maybe 🌞Summer🔥 will feel like 💐Spring🌷 and 🍂Autumn🍂 will come early, lasting as long as possible. I wouldn’t be sad if it never got above 80º the entire year.


Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind. ~Johannes Brahms

I have the capacity to be ridiculously meticulous, but I’m not always up to standard. It’s something I’m working on in second and third passes.

One of the things about pantsing is that I’m cranking out stream of consciousness. Well, that sounds a bit fluffy, but it’s not so much stream of consciousness in the e.e.cummings sort of way. It’s more like I’m transcribing a movie that’s playing in my head.

How does one hone craftsmanship in writing? Practice. Tons and tons of practice.

The Importance of the Craft of Writing and Tips to Improve

3 Self-Editing Tips to Improve Your Manuscript

There’s that. In addition to the practice, it helps to read a lot in the genre you wish to write in. As mentioned in the video above, reading will help you to understand the expectations of a particular audience.

Reading famous works like those of Dickens, Hemmingway and Tolstoy is instructive in how to craft your story in a timeless way and reading more current books will help you dial in on what is selling today. Seeing what works in currently published works and using the classics to dial up the artistry will help to develop your craftsmanship in writing.

How to Improve Your Writing with Copywork

What The Writing Community Doesn’t Understand About Writing Craft

That’s it. I’m knackered and totally in need of a holiday weekend off. I hope you enjoy your holiday and keep our lost heroes in your hearts.

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