National Black Bear Day 2024

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National Black Bear Day 2024

It’s a bit too much like 🌞 Summer πŸ”₯ to be wearing a fur coat, don’t you think? It’s National Black Bear Day because they’re out and about before it’s time for their ❄️ long Winters nap ❄️. πŸ’€

Furry 🐻 Brother

Black bears, though, are not fearsome. I encountered one on the road to my house in Vermont, alone at night. I picked up two stones just in case, but I wasn’t afraid of him. I felt a hunter’s exhilaration and a brotherly feeling. ~Edward Hoagland

You don’t want to mess with these woodland wanderers, but they also don’t want to mess with you. Black bears are among the least aggressive types of bear you could meet.

I had one in my yard a while back. He had his mind set on my trash can. I hollered at him and he moved along without a hassle.

It’s nice to have such a wide variety of wildlife right out my back door. Most aren’t as potentially dangerous as that opportunistic bear.

We regularly see deer, squirrels, chipmunks and skunks, not to mention a diverse population of birds. Kelly could tell you which ones are which.

It’s one of the many things I love about living way outside the urban sphere.

Grin And 🐻 It

10 Amazing Facts About The Black Bear

As with most of the wildlife in my neck of the woods, the word hasn’t gotten around about looking both ways before they cross the street.

They give precisely zero fucks about crossing the street and it would be best not to hit them. They’re quite large.

You’ll total your car and if you don’t kill them, I suspect they’d be sufficiently irked to take it out on you.

We were driving to Orwigsburg and a mama bear and her train of cubs were crossing the street in front of us. Did we stop and wait?

You’re damn skippy. For one thing, it’s polite to wait. For another thing, who wants to buy a new car if you can just wait a minute for them to cross?

Fear & 🧸🧸🧸

What scares me? Bears. And sharks. And my girlfriend ~Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein

Yes, my wife scares me, too. She knows where I πŸ’€πŸ›ŒπŸ»πŸ’€ after all. That is, if I bother to go to sleep.

I’ve been rather excited to get back in gear with my writing, so I sometimes stay up late to get some storytelling done.

I’m a lot happier with my ~3000 word chapters. It seems to be about the right size for now. Even with that, it feels a bit sparse.

I’m not the most flowery of authors. It just doesn’t occur to me to provide a lot of description since a lot of what I write about is fairly commonplace.

People know what cars look like. Houses, stores, kitchens, bedrooms, parks are such that simply saying that puts an image in the reader’s head.

Naturally, it’s probably not the image I have in my head. There are mixed feelings among AuthorTubers on how much description is necessary.

If a detail matters, it should be described appropriately. If something is just a car, say car. If you need to denote a glamorous sportscar or a beat up jalopy, then say so.

Probably, when it comes time to write Tales Of Olde Auringia and Far-Flung Reaches, description will be more necessary because the people, places and things will be less generic.

For The Sentinels, things are largely commonplace. Hospitals, subways, Jamaican restaurants, apartments, franchise cafes and street traffic are all things that we’ve seen if we’ve ever watched a show or movie that is set in New York City.

What we haven’t seen is a girl with naturally blue hair and a chalk white complexion.

What we haven’t seen is a woman from another dimension who looks like a radically freckled Christmas elf.

What we haven’t seen is anything like The Creature. We won’t be seeing him until at least Book 2 of the series, but he’s definitely going to take a bit of describing.

That’s probably all the more you can 🐻 for one day, so I’ll wish you a happy weekend. Feel free to put some honey in your tea as long as the 🐻🐻 can’t see where you keep it.

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