National Chai Day 2024

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National Chai Day 2024

Today is National Chai Day, and we have our Indian friends to thank for this splendidΒ πŸ‚ Autumnally spicyΒ πŸ‚ warm beverage.

Elixer β˜• Of β˜• Life

Chai is the elixir of life, a beverage that gives you the much-needed energy to face the challenges of the day with a smile. ~Amit Singh

Spicy tea is a wonderful note of πŸ‚AutumnπŸ‚ goodness from the exotic East.

The weather is finally settling into a splendid not-🌞 Summer πŸ”₯ pattern of cooler temperatures just in time for the Equinox tomorrow.

We’ve been through πŸ‚Social AutumnπŸ‚. As of tomorrow afternoon, we’ll be officially into πŸ‚Actual AutumnπŸ‚. Isn’t that splendid?

With the arrival of seasonally appropriate temperatures, we can get back to enjoying some civilized comforts like a sensuous cup of chai, a Pumpkin πŸŽƒ Spice πŸ₯€ Latte or even hot chocolate.

I can have my wardrobe flipped back to something comfortable and cozy. I might even be able to take walks again. We’ll see…

β˜• Steep β˜•

How To Make Chai Tea | Indian Tea

DIY is always the way to go in order to get the perfect cup of chai or any other decadent treat.

That assumes you’ve got the time for all that. If not, there are any number of brands available in prepared tea bags, concentrate or instant powder.

The important thing is not so much how you prepare it as it is that you take the time to savor the fragrance and flavor.

We’re in cozy season now. Take a moment to enjoy it while it lasts.

Aroma β˜• Of β˜• Home

Chai is not just a drink, it is an emotion. It is the taste of childhood memories, the warmth of love, and the aroma of home. ~Aditi Kapoor

Beside an aromatic cup of chai, a heartwarming pot of Pumpkin πŸŽƒ Spice coffee or a mug of sugar-free cocoa, it’s time to continue writing The Lights of Pine Hollow.

I spent some quality time last weekend laying out the cast, the family dynamics, the drama and even wrote most of the first episode.

It’s pretty exciting to be this far ahead.

Despite the work-life imbalance I’ve been experiencing, it got to the point were I simply needed to get this project going.

I also spent some time reviewing some productivity tools and techniques to help me shovel free of the avalanche of work I’m buried in.

That’s not quite as settled as the Holiday Season Serial Romance. I have a pretty good idea of how to proceed with Leo and Grace’s story.

As for the work stuff, that’s going to take a bit more figuring. Naturally, the answer is in creating repeatable processes that will speed up execution.

The problem is, in order to come up with the optimizations, you sacrifice some of the time that would otherwise go to simply doing it.

Finding a balance can be tricky, but I’m sure something will occur to me in due course. Most likely, it will occur to me when I’m driving somewhere and can’t write down the solution.

Even so, it is currently the weekend and that is writing time. Leo and Grace need to get their tale told so I can get the whole thing formatted and ready to drip out over the holidays.

I believe I’ll be using more generated imagery for the daily posts this year. I’ve usually depended on free images from Pixabay, but the LLMs are getting better at creating consistent images.

On the other hand, the book cover will still need to be based on a photo of some kind. KDP wants to know if your text or cover are AI-generated.

Right now, it seems that it’s voluntary information. I suspect that it will soon be a point of discrimination, so I want these to remain organic until we know what the policy winds up being.

That’s all for this mostly, but not quite officially, πŸ‚AutumnπŸ‚ Saturday. By the time the polkas are over tomorrow afternoon, my favorite season will be in full effect. β˜•

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