National Coq Au Vin Day 2024

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National Coq Au Vin Day 2024

Surprisingly, it’s National Coq Au Vin Day. I would expect this to be more of an πŸ‚AutumnalπŸ‚ comfort food, but any day is a good day for πŸ” Coq πŸ₯• Au πŸ„ Vin 🍷.

πŸ₯“ Lardon My French 🐸

I went into a French restaraunt and asked the waiter, ‘Have you got frog’s legs?’ He said, ‘Yes,’ so I said, ‘Well hop into the kitchen and get me a cheese sandwich.’ ~Tommy Cooper

French food sounds snobby and unapproachable, but it’s actually pretty down to Earth fare. You really can’t go wrong with most of these recipes.

It’s sort of random for today to be dedicated to chicken stewed in wine sauce, but I guess it’s as good a day as any for it.

I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend. I certainly did. Getting an extra day for writing is always a treat whenever it comes around.

Now that 🌞 SocialΒ Summer πŸ”₯ has begun, the unpleasant temperatures associated with my least favorite season are here more often than not.

Guess it’s soon time to put the window units in until we switch over to my favorite season.

πŸ” Coq Au Vin 🍷

This Recipe Will 100% Make You Fall In Love With French Cooking

At the cusp of 🌞 Summer πŸ”₯, you’d think they’d have gone for a cold dish like Vichyssoise, but whatever.

I guess you can make Coq au Vin or Boeuf Bourguignon in a crock pot to avoid heating up your kitchen any more than the weather already makes it.

All things being equal, hot weather calls for cold food and chilled beverages. ‘Tis the Season for tuna salad, egg salad, macaroni salad, pasta salad, potato salad, tossed green salad

If you’re wondering, that means I need to eat a lot more salad and drink a bunch of water for the foreseeable future.


Romance πŸ’™πŸ€β€οΈ Language

Boy, those French: they have a different word for everything! ~Steve Martin

I do have a basic idea for this year’s Holiday Season Serial Romance, but I haven’t started on it yet.

I’m pretty committed to the title: The Lights of Pine Hollow, so at least there’s that.

Given that Ryan and Marta didn’t get to Pine Hollow to see the lights last Christmas, it seems only fair to show folks what they missed out on.

More than most people, 🌞 Summer πŸ”₯ sucks the life out of me. It’s just too damn hot to do anything of consequence.

Unfortunately, I really need to knuckle down and get my monthliesΒ done so I can get on with story writing in earnest.

I had a lovely stretch of uninterrupted writing this past weekend.

Not only did I finish up my first draft of Chapter 10 of The Sentinels: New Blood, but I also circled back and added the missing bad guy stuff.

The new chapter target is approximately 3000 words. That seems to give me room to cover everything and move the story along.

That’s our last Mercredi πŸͺ du 🐫 Milieu for May 2024. Stock up on salad and we’ll see you in June.

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