National Egg Roll Day 2023

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National Egg Roll Day 2023

Quack out your duck sauce because it’s National Egg Roll Day!

Like ☀️ The 🌞 Sun

Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. ~Samuel Smiles

Hope is truly like the sun. It’s something to look forward to.

Our neighbors to the north dimmed it for a couple days this week, but we knew the smoke would clear eventually and everything would be back to normal.

We’re definitely holding out hope that the Republic will last through the next election. Admin46 is doing their level best to tank the economy, society and any sense of normalcy or decency.

Even so, hope remains that we’ll get to the other side of this deliberate idiocy.

We don’t need revenge. We don’t need to persecute the idiots the way they do to us. We just need them to crawl back under their rocks and leave us alone.

Taxes will not fix the climate. Depriving people of modern amenities will not fix the climate. Finger-pointing and social cancelation will not fix the climate.

The climate fixes itself. Let it do what it does. Let us do what we do. Take your crazy, unsustainable ideas and go hide somewhere that we can’t hear you anymore.

We just hope you let the rest of us get on with our lives. We hope you get a clue someday and grow up.

We really hope you just shut the hell up and go live in your ivory towers again. Your ideas suck and we’re better off without you bothering us all the time.

Egg Rolls

Make Takeout-Style Egg Rolls

Until our evil overlords succeed in forcing us into owning nothing and liking it, and until they convince us that a diet of bugs is best, we can enjoy the simple pleasure of an egg roll.

They’re nutritious and delicious. Some might say that since they’re deep fried, they might not be healthy. Everything falls on a spectrum.

It may not be as healthy as kale, but it’s healthier than a candy bar.

Vegetables, meat, rice and a wonton wrapper. It’s an enjoyable side for your favorite Chinese dinner or as a stand-alone snack.

Make sure you get some before the only thing left in the grocery store is bugs.

Transmission Of Feeling

Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced. ~Leo Tolstoy

That’s definitely true. Art almost always makes you feel something.

It might not be what the artist intended, but you will almost always feel something about what you’re seeing or hearing.

If you can get most of your audience to feel what you’re trying to convey, I suppose that might be considered good or even great art.

I hope I will be able to transmit the feelings I’m processing as I write successfully. I suppose it depends on the reader.

That being said, I’m also trying to craft a story worth reading. Kinda hard to do that when I’m brain dead from exhaustion.

My goodness, this week has whipped me like a meringue. I am well and truly done for the time being.

That is all. I had a ridiculously arduous week. I barely have two brain cells to spark between my ears at this point. Nothing a plate of egg rolls and a work coma won’t fix…

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