National Grab Some Nuts Day

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National Grab Some Nuts Day 2024

In the spirit of a lazy Saturday, it’s National Grab Some Nuts Day and I’d like to encourage my wife to embrace the concept.

🌰 Grab 🥜 Them 🌰

All families had their special Christmas food. Ours was called Dutch Bread, made from a dough halfway between bread and cake, stuffed with citron and every sort of nut from the farm – hazel, black walnut, hickory, butternut. ~Paul Engle

I’ve got a jar of unsalted roasted peanuts on the shelf next to my bed so I can grab a handful when I wake up. Kelly should probably do that, too.

I think it would make me very happy if she started the day by grabbing some nuts. 😉 Seriously, though, it’s important to prevent your blood sugar from bottoming out.

I love all sorts of nuts, seeds and nut products. I’ve got Smucker’s Natural Chunky Peanut Butter in the kitchen to grab a spoonful whenever I need a quick snack. Sometimes we can’t find the chunky stuff at the store, but Smucker’s Natural Creamy Peanut Butter is just as delicious straight off the spoon, draped over my sugar free vanilla ice cream or baked into one of my favorite Christmas cookies.

You can’t go far wrong with a variety of mixed nuts in the shell or out of the shell either. Naturally, some nuts are harder to crack than others, so it might be easier to just get them in snack packs or in a lovely trail mix. Adding some dried fruit or baked tidbits in with your mixed nuts helps to lighten things up as a nutritional trail mix.

😹 Who are we kidding? It’s not Trail Mix for me. It’s Staying Home and Writing a Book or Converting Data Mix. 😹

Unless you’re allergic to them, you really can’t go wrong adding nuts to your daily diet. So, go ahead. Grab a handful and go to town.

🌰 Eat 🥜 Them 🌰

Why You Should Eat Nuts Every Day | Dr. Paul

Okay, we’ve established that I’m basically lazy in most respects. I like my nuts to come shelled.

I mean, I occasionally like the old timey pastime of using a nutcracker to crack walnuts, almonds and so forth.

Unfortunately, it can either be messy or tedious trying to get the nuts out of the shells.

Ain’t nobody got time for all that. Well, most times not.

Sometimes you’ve got the leisure to just crack a walnut and pick the shattered bits out of the shell.

Lots of times, you just want to grab a handful and munch. Either way, they’re delicious and nutritious.

🌰 Crack 🥜 Them 🌰

God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them. ~Franz Kafka

What actually is a nut? A lot of the things we think are nuts are actually seeds or legumes.

So, as usual, I turn to ChatGPT to sort it out for me:

A nut is a type of fruit with a hard shell and a seed inside. It’s botanically a simple dry fruit with one seed (rarely two) where the ovary wall becomes very hard (stony or woody) at maturity, and the seed remains unattached or free within the ovary wall. Nuts are often rich in fats and proteins, making them a nutritious snack.

Here’s how nuts differ from seeds, legumes, and other fruits:

  1. Nuts:
    • Definition: Hard-shelled fruit that does not split open to release the seed.
    • Examples: Acorns, chestnuts, and hazelnuts.
    • Key Traits: Hard outer shell, single seed inside, high in fats and proteins.
  2. Seeds:
    • Definition: Embryonic plants enclosed in a protective outer covering.
    • Examples: Sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds.
    • Key Traits: Can be encased in fruits or nuts; seeds are the reproductive unit of flowering plants.
  3. Legumes:
    • Definition: A type of fruit that typically splits open along two seams to release multiple seeds inside.
    • Examples: Carob seeds, soy nuts, peanuts.
    • Key Traits: Pod-like structure, rich in protein, and often used as a staple food source.
  4. Fruits:
    • Definition: Mature ovary of a flowering plant, usually containing seeds.
    • Examples: Almonds, cashews, pistachios, pecans (botanically a type of drupe).
    • Key Traits: Can be fleshy or dry, typically sweet or sour, and can have multiple seeds.

In summary, while nuts are a specific type of fruit with a hard shell and single seed, seeds are the reproductive part of plants, legumes are seed pods that split open to release seeds, and fruits are the mature ovary of plants, often containing seeds.

But why get bugged about taxonomy? Words can be anything you want them to be. Right?

Yes and no.

No, I don’t have Schrödinger’s Dictionary. It’s just that words acquire alternate definitions and connotations over time.

We need to have a common understanding of what words mean in order for people to be able to interact effectively.

That common words can be assigned alternate meanings in slang is humorously demonstrated in the interactions between Marty McFly and Doc Brown as Marty keeps using “heavy” with the connotation that something has emotional or conceptional weight while Doctor Brown tries to come to terms with why Marty keeps saying it. Since it isn’t in common parlance in the 50’s, he deduces that something has happened to the Earth’s gravitational field in the future.

That’s fine. Slang catches on and takes hold over time.

What’s not fine is the Orwellian attempt to hijack language to suit a sociopolitical agenda. The French Revolutionaries tried that at the turn of the 19th Century and it didn’t catch, nor did it take hold. What took hold was a cadre of slavering lunatics who tried to redefine everything to suit their agenda. They rewrote their calendar. They changed units of measure. They changed things for the sake of changing things. It was stupid and it did not last.

They’re doing it again. Thankfully, they don’t have guillotines yet, but they’d be only too happy to use them.

Instead, we have cancel culture. A sufficiently widespread social media campaign can get you fired, debanked and ostracized. That might even be worse than the guillotine.

We need to resist the urge to give in to what didn’t work in the past. Revolutionaries will always rise up, but most of them seem to be slavering maniacs who ought to be given wide berth.

After all, they’re just nuts…

That’s all for today. If I’m any kind of lucky, Kelly started off the morning with a handful of nuts. She’d find it very rewarding if she did. 🤎

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