National Hand Roll Day 2024

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National Hand Roll Day 2024

Not only is it National Hand Roll Day, it’s also my 🥳 birthday 🎂. Huzzah…


With sushi, it is all about balance. Sometimes they cut the fish too thick, sometimes too thin. Often the rice is overcooked or undercooked. Not enough rice vinegar or too much. ~Nobu Matsuhisa

I’ve been incredibly out of balance of late.

It’s not in my nature to manage things effectively. I’m an archprocrastinator and I make up for it by suffering stress-induced insomnia.

You could say the old dog is unlikely to learn new tricks, but there’s rarely anything new to try.

Most of the popular productivity hacks are designed for neurotypical minds. That’s not how I’m wired.

Fortunately, my birthday fell on a Saturday this year, so I get to celebrate by staying home (surprise, surprise) and working on some non-job-related tasks.

This might seem dreary to some, but I really prefer being at home. I’m starving for a moment to write my books, so I’m declaring a birthday wish to make that happen.

I don’t need candles. I don’t need cake. I just need to beat the keys and get this story out of my head.

Happy Birthday to me

Roll Your Own

The Best Way To Make Sushi At Home (Professional Quality) | Epicurious 101

As with most of the recipes I find to share in this section of my blog, it’s nice to know such a thing can be done. It is also not something I’m likely to find the time or inspiration to do.

I can barely be bothered to cram a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter in my mouth, much less making gourmet international delicacies. That’s what the freakin’ Wegman’s is for.

Honestly, I love tasty food. I sometimes have the time and inclination to experiment with making something delicious.

These days, I’m just too busy and far behind to manage the basics. The great thing about living in the Land of Opportunity is that there is someone around who does like doing this stuff and does have the time to get to it.

I’m perfectly happy to reimburse people for their passion and expertise.

Lost In Translation

In Japanese, sushi does not mean raw fish. It means seasoned rice. ~Guy Fieri

That was a common misconception when sushi first caught on. People thought it was raw fish, so they dismissed it out of hand.

In truth, it’s these marvelous little vegetables couched in rice and wrapped in seaweed. To the Western ear, that doesn’t sound much better but it really is phenomenal.

They look like chocolate-dipped coconut candy, but they’re wonderfully satisfying savory bites.

Funny how people will turn their noses up at the notion of Japanese people eating raw fish, but they’re the same people enjoying lox on a bagel.

Whatever. I like sushi, aka hand rolls. I like bento boxes. I like a lot of things and I dislike a lot of things.

Life is about choices. It’s nice to live somewhere that we can have lots of choices. Sometimes we get spoiled by the sheer quantity of choices available to us.

Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the wondrous variety of choices we have access to. First World Problems…

As I mentioned above, my choice for my birthday is to get my hobbit on. I’m staying home and going writing. That’s just how I roll.

Happy weekend, everyone. Have a piece of cake on me.

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