National Plum Pudding Day 2025

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National Plum Pudding Day 2025

Strangely out of season, today is not only National Plum Pudding Day, but also the birthday of some pretty important people. Naturally, Spencax is there to wish his best.

How Many Legs Does A πŸ• Have?

How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg. ~Abraham Lincoln

Naturally, they have four. Some people go out of their way to adopt three-legged dogs, but my grandpuppies both have four.

Anyway, today is plum pudding day on the National Day Calendar, but it’s also Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.

Naturally, this also means it’s another birthday for my beloved Lembywembywoowoo.

Not just any birthday, mind you, but her very own third decade of Lembyness.

Having been there when she arrived, I can tell you authoritatively that she has been as splendid from her first breath is she is to this very day.

She’s my firstborn baby girl and she’s now chronologically as old as she’s been the whole time along.

Don’t believe me? Imagine a five-year-old interrupting your happy whistling to tell you: “You can’t just whistle like some miscellaneous bird.

Who says that? 🀣 She’s always been wise beyond her years and she is still an excellent big sister to all of her weird siblings.

She’s made a marvelous life for herself, her husband and my grandpuppies, Spencer and Max.

Plum Pudding πŸŽ„ and a πŸ––πŸΌ Transporter Accident

The ORIGINAL Christmas Dessert

For me, every day could be Plum Pudding day. I literally cannot get enough of the stuff. I may actually order one from Amazon this weekend because now I’m thinking about it.

As for the transporter accident, that post graphic you see above was a desperate attempt to have Abraham Lincoln offering Emmeline a plum pudding with a birthday candle in it. The background was kind of weird, so I decided to add Spencer and Max. First as graphics on her sweatshirt but after several failed attempts, I asked for Spencer to sit on one side of her and Max on the other. I provided a reference image for Emmeline, Spencer and Max.

Well, you see how close it got with Emmeline, but that’s fine. In true ChatGPT fashion, it totally ignored my request and actually merged Spencer and Max into a single dog with both of their colors. It also put that stupid lace choker thing on her. I don’t think she’s worn such a thing in at least a decade or more, if ever. No choker, ChatGPT, but it just kept putting one on her. Nutso.

In remembrance of Tuvix, I named this composite dog, Spencax. Now she can have fond memories of her transporter accident dog for the next three decades. Maybe by then we’ll have actual transporters and we can gene splice the perfect hybrid dog for her.

Did Captain Janeway Actually Murder Tuvix?


🌳 Just Roll With It 🍐

A man watches his pear tree day after day, impatient for the ripening of the fruit. Let him attempt to force the process, and he may spoil both fruit and tree. But let him patiently wait, and the ripe pear at length falls into his lap. ~Abraham Lincoln

See? Honest Abe gets it.

I cannot plan a story. It’s like trying to force a tree to bear fruit overnight.

I like my trees natural. I’m not into the whole topiary thing.

I mean, I admire people who can turn bushes into Disney characters or sculptures of various kinds, but that’s not me.

That’s not how I write. I like my stories organic. I like to watch where and how they grow.

Naturally, trees and bushes need pruning to keep them healthy. So do stories. That’s what editing is for.

That’s all for today. What more needs to be said about today than that it’s my firstborn daughter’s birthday. πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰ Come back on Saturday for something I definitely can’t have, but figuratively do. We’ll see if ChatGPT can hit the mark on that one.

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