National Tell A Fairy Tale Day 2025

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National Tell A Fairy Tale Day 2025

Between the Bactrian peaks of this very busy Hump 🐫 Day, National Tell A Fairy Tale Day casts its merry spell on a wondrously ❄️ wintry ❄️ week.

Once Upon A Time

Every man’s life is a fairy tale written by God’s fingers. ~Hans Christian Andersen

I find no fault in his logic. I can happily say that my life has been exactly that.

What else but a fairy tale would see me living happily ever after with my beloved cutie wife?

Got to say, I wouldn’t mind finding a goose that lays golden eggs or an unwary leprechaun. 🌈💰

Even so, I’m happy to be in my cozy little cottage at the edge of the woods with my own lovely princess.

If you’re ever feeling down, remember that you’ll feel better when you count your blessings.

White Christmas Count Your Blessings

Show & Tell

National Tell a Fairytale Day

I grew up on fairy tales in various forms. We had an enormous illustrated book of classic fairy tales like Puss in Boots, Cinderella and the Shoemaker Elves.

We occasionally saw movies like Hans Christian Andersen or Jack and the Beanstalk on UHF or PBS.

There were always these crazy shorts mixed in with Rocky & Bullwinkle that were called Fractured Fairy Tales.

These stories are so iconic and deeply ingrained into our culture, that they tend to echo in seemingly unrelated tales.

You can often pick up themes or tropes from Red Riding Hood, Cinderella or even the Shoemaker Elves in police dramas, romances or even thrillers.

Fairy tales help us make sense of the world as children and those lessons stay with us throughout life, just as the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen hoped they would.

Every Tale Is A Fairy Tale

No matter what you write, you actually can’t help retelling a fairy tale somewhere along the way. ~Catherynne M. Valente

It’s true. The fairy tales we grow up with express deep psychological truths, so it’s hard not to revisit those lessons in our own works.

A modern form of fairy tale that has developed its own deep psychological truths is the humble comic book. Nearly nine decades of this uniquely American mythology have inspired my work-in-progress series, The Sentinels.

I’ve developed my own mythology in this genre and am working on a series of thirteen tomes to celebrate the various “ages” of comics in my own milieu.

In keeping with my love of fairy tales and the way in which they informed my creative play growing up, I also have the very fantastical Tales Of Olde Auringia under development and can’t wait to begin writing those in earnest. I’m still developing the concept behind the series, so it’s going to be a bit before I get to those.

Much like the setting for this series, my Far-Flung Reaches are going to take place (and be written) sometime in the distant future. These are a reflection of my love for all things scifi. Flash Gordon serials, Rocky Jones, Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Star Blazers, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, The Expanse, the list goes on and on for the inspiration that space opera has given me over the years. I’d like to share some of that back by writing this series when it comes time to put the work in on these.

Naturally, I will continue writing my Holiday Season Serial Romances. My Christmas site needs content and people seem happy with the silly stories I post throughout the holiday season. If you didn’t already know, these ridiculous RomComs take place in the same “literary universe” as The Sentinels, and sometimes include characters from the main series. Much like the Collateral Impact anthologies, these stories are focused on the lives and concerns of normal people doing normal things under circumstances that may or may not be entirely normal.

That’s all for today. See you back on Saturday for something I literally live on. 🥜🧈

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