National Wildlife Day 2024

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National Wildlife Day 2024

In addition to Allan’s πŸŽ‚ birthday, today is National Wildlife Day.

Premature πŸͺ Hump 🐫 Day

Steve was so wonderful to bring wildlife into our living rooms and let us see that animals we used to be afraid of are so important. ~Terri Irwin

It’s kind of wild that today is Wednesday already. I was so worn out from work over the weekend that I basically missed it.

I haven’t got much to say today other than that time flies.

Not about having fun or anything else. Time simply flies.

I’m honestly a bit miffed that I was too exhausted to do anything productive all weekend.

I did anyway, but it took too long to do the little bit that I accomplished.

Just annoying.

National Wildlife Day

National Wildlife Day | September 4

If I want wildlife, I can peek out the kitchen window. We’ve had bears, deer, foxes, skunks and opossums out there.

Naturally, there are songbirds, squirrels and chipmunks all the time.

The rabbits tend to stay out front for some reason.

That’s the nice thing about having a mini forest for a back yard.

They’re out there and I’m in here. Everyone is safe and in our own element.

That’s my idea of natural balance.


Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man. ~Stewart Udall

Oh, my. What are my plans?

Well, it depends on my time and energy.

I’m in sorely short supply of both.

I still have a fuckload of stuff to do for work.

Everything takes 100x more time than anticipated.

It also takes 1000x more energy than I’ve got to spare.

I’m freaking exhausted.

Despite the advent of Pumpkin πŸŽƒ Spice Season, I’m just not feeling it.

I’m not feeling much besides pain.Β The arthritis in my neck has been acting up tremendously.

It would be really nice to get a good night’s sleep, but it seems I’m physically incapable of getting more than 4 hours a night.

Perhaps when I’m caught up at work, I can sink in for a solid 6-7. Not yet, though. Not just yet…

That’s all for this surprisingly early mid-week morning. I hope your truncated week is going as swimmingly as mine.

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