Some Email Marketing Best Practices To reach your business targets, you need to know about email marketing best practices. Adhering…
Omelettes & Obituaries Easter comes in March this year, so I’m going to riff a little bit on the topics…
Happy 2016! Well folks, it’s time to get this party started. I’ve been focusing on my Christmas site over the…
It’s ALIVE!!! Okay, I stayed up til God’s Own Hour to get it done but my very first Warrior Special…
Just Say No~vember NaNoWriMo National Novel Writing Month is upon us. It is a 30 day challenge to get…
Pushing Goodness I’ve been reading the book Abundance, by Peter Diamandis. Why? I needed a dose of goodness. Optimism The…
Some Interesting Sayings I had some ideas rattling around inside my head today, so I thought I’d share them with…
On the edge and other clichés Alright, last week of July and things are proceeding to kind of suck. The…
Some news before I go to camp As usual for this time of year, I’m gearing up to go to…
Monkey See, Monkey Done-For-You I’m seeing a trend of late that is as interesting as it is irritating. Everything in…