Thanksgiving In The Woods

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Thanksgiving In The Woods

It is the tradition of my sons’ scout troop to hold a πŸ¦ƒ Thanksgiving πŸ— camp out. We’re enjoying the hospitality again this year to celebrate the upcoming holiday season.

Long Weekend

We need time to defuse, to contemplate. Just as in sleep our brains relax and give us dreams, so at some time in the day we need to disconnect, reconnect, and look around us. ~Laurie Colwin

Long weekends make for short weeks, particularly if you have a bunch of doctor appointments to attend.

Even though I had a short week, I was still ridiculously busy and, correspondingly, am ridiculously worn the heck out.

Maybe it’s because the πŸŽ„ Holiday Season πŸŽ…πŸΌ seems to compress time.

In any case, I’m overdue for a bit of a rest.

Roast πŸ¦ƒ That πŸ— Turkey!

Roast Turkey, Gravy, and Stuffing | Jacques PΓ©pin Cooking At Home | KQED

Keeping in mind that there are only 42 days until Christmas, we’re still focusing on Thanksgiving this particular weekend.

The scouts get a last chance to rough it before the weather gets too cold and we all get to enjoy a scrumptious turkey dinner.

Connor will also be working on a project for one of his classes while we’re there. Killing two birds with one stone is always a good plan.

What To Do

The trouble with super heroes is what to do between phone booths. ~Ken Kesey

The good news is that Holly and Ivy is about 12% complete and I’m hoping to write quite a bit more while I’m not acting as Connor’s PA or enjoying the scouts’ Thanksgiving dinner.

As for The Sentinels,
I’m afraid it’s a do-over.

That’s not to say I can’t use what I’ve already written. The 1st Person Present will work great for associated works that focus on the viewpoint character. Fans will be able to pick their favorite character and see the events of the series through their eyes for a deep dive into the periphery of the main story line.

Thing is, I’ve read that people don’t like when you change points of view. So, having the first trilogy in 1st Person Present and all subsequent collections in 3rd Person Cinematic is likely to trigger certain readers.

I’m not particularly keen on catering to people who have nothing better to do than get triggered by a change in narrative perspective, but I don’t want to tank my sales by causing cognitive dissonance between the first trilogy and the second.

In fairness, the 1st Person approach was dragging the pacing down. There were at least 25K words on the first day of the story and plenty more to go. I had originally switched from 3rd Person Cinematic to 1st Person Present because the broad story was proceeding with a head-spinning haste.

I know Kelly will be irritated that I’m switching again, but one has to do what one has to do. The series needs to hang together from end to end without irritating potential readers over presentation issues.

As much as I have been cranking away at this year’s Holiday Season Serial Romance and have been reconsidering the overall continuity and presentation of The Sentinels‘ core tridecology, I can’t help but give a little of my ongoing bandwidth to the Tales Of Olde Auringia.

I started writing that series in the 90s and the milieu is consistent from it’s original conception. I had the idea of writing a superhero series at the same time back then but I didn’t come up with Empire City and the Sentinelsverse until much later. As such, Auringia holds a large amount of subconscious real estate in my tired brain.

Why so long?

Well, in the 90s, they hadn’t really developed self-publishing yet. That revolution didn’t pop off until at least 2010. By that time, I was stressed out of my damned mind and couldn’t write a blessed thing anyway.

Fast forward to Rob’s second half century and it’s time to get these stories done and published. So, here we are.

That’s it for the weekend. I’ve still got tons of relaxing to do.

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