Winter Oohs

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Winter Oohs

Okay, I thought things were getting better but now even my dreams hurt…

Ooh, Ack, Ouch!

So, I had this weird dream last night…

It’s weird that I even remember my dream. This is so unusual anymore. I haven’t had a memorable dream in quite some time. I don’t know what put me in the right frame of mind or weariness to have an actively memorable dream, but it was pretty weird and kind of irritating.

I know there was more to it but the part I remember was that we had a dog that was a Great Dane – Standard Poodle mix that (for whatever reason) looked kind of like a Greyhound. For reasons that are equally inexplicable, I decided to paint this dog with stage makeup. I did such a phenomenal job (the dog looked really cool) that I wanted to take a picture to show Kelly but my phone wouldn’t operate correctly and I couldn’t get the shot. Really a shame. The dog looked awesome.

Then I went to talk to Connor about my frustration with the phone’s camera and I suddenly experienced a horrifying groin pull and fell over in egregious pain. I fell right out of the dream and awoke with…

Yes, you guessed it, a horrifying groin pull.

Actually, I had one just before I went to bed last night and thought I was going to fall over on my way to the bathroom. I’m guessing my subconscious was riffing on that particular bit of unpleasantness as material for the dream.

Gosh only knows what the dog was representative of.

Revisionist Historians

Bernie Staffer: “Police Will Be Beaten”
If Bernie Loses, Gulags Weren’t That Bad

Speaking of horrifying pains in the crotch, Project Veritas caught some video of this idiot spouting off. Frankly, spouting off is the great American pastime but this guy goes on to start making specific threats.

Hopefully, the Sanders Campaign will either disavow this malcontent or collapse entirely. Considering how Bernie allowed the DNC to buy him off in 2016, you wouldn’t expect these neo-Communists to fall for his BS this time around. Unfortunately, useful idiots are as plentiful as they are idiotic.

I’d like to see political opponents only speak to their platforms and only if those platforms are reasonably able to be achieved. It’s all wonderful to promise everything under the sun for free, but delivering requires more money than even exists on the entire planet. Let’s stick with things that might actually happen in reality and let people judge on the merits of the intended outcomes.

Granted, a lot of Trump’s proposals seemed pretty pie in the sky but he’s not a politician. He’s a project manager. He actually had plans and has enacted as many as he could in the face of Damnocrat headwinds. Imagine how much better off we’d be if the previous Congress hadn’t been full of do-nothings and NeverTrumpers.

Honey of the Human Soul

Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail. ~Theodore Dreiser

If politics is a poison to the human soul, it’s only fair that art would be honey. I’m not sure if my work is sweet but it’s getting a bit sticky.

The first edit is proceeding with considerably more difficulty than anticipated. Internal discomfiture and external pressures are cramping my creative process. I have ideas of how I want to fix the difficulties in the story but it’s just not making it onto the page as desired. Not sure how to get past it.

That’s today. I hope the rest of your week proceeds pleasantly and the rest of mine proceeds less painfully. See you Saturday.

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