Dramatic Shift

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Dramatic Shift

Well, October is 2/3 over and I’ve got a lot of programming to show for it but not much writing. I’ll have to make a dramatic shift into writing mode if I have any chance of hitting my target. 🎯

Hell In A Handbasket

I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ~Will Rogers

The Weekly Meltdown
Leftists Are Unintentionally HILARIOUS!

The country certainly is taking a dramatic shift thanks to the jackasses in the current administration.

Inflation, shrinkflation, supply chain issues and all around Leftist fuckery at every turn. It’s as if they’re trying to see just how quickly they can turn this country into a 3rd World 💩🕳️.

Okay, well, I hope all the enthusiastic Biden voters are excited about this turn of events. They got what the Chi🇨🇳Comms paid for and we all have to live with the consequences until the midterms give us a chance to pull the plug on some of the shenanigans.

The price of gas is up. The price of food is up. There are other financial indicators but these are the ones that most people can identify with.

Just in case you conveniently forgot, all of the above were quite affordable and getting better under Mr Orange-Mean-Tweet-Guy. We were energy independent. Why the hell would you reverse that policy?

I just can’t wait until the pendulum swings to the Right again. This leftist crap is for the birds…

It’s A Trap! 🪤

Slavic Trap Music Mix | Folk Music Mix | Female Vocal Music Mix | Trap Music Mix

This may not be to your taste but it has been very helpful in getting my programming tasks completed lately. Sometimes you just need the right music to put you in a state of flow.

I usually forget this when I’m stressed out, but it’s been working wonders in the last week or so. I’ve got some pretty cool stuff knocked out recently and expect to crank out a bunch more.

Code, that is.

As for the writing, I’ve been spending so much time doing software stuff that I’ve had neither time nor inspiration to work on my Holiday Season Serial Romance or The Sentinels.

It’s almost just as well because I still have no earthly idea what Holly and Ivy are up to. I’m completely drawing a blank.

As for my intrepid team of superheroes, I’ve gotten myself into the paralysis of analysis. There are things I want to do with the series that stretch all the way out to book 13 but it gets a bit overwhelming.

My mind wants to find the path of least resistance and right now, that’s the programming I do at my day job. I’m getting through that stuff like a hot knife through butter.

I get the quick dopamine hit of closing issues and doing cool stuff and the arch-procrastinator in me gets a kick out of putting the hard work of getting my writing under control and on schedule off indefinitely.

Magic 🖖 Fingers

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers. ~Isaac Asimov

Since I’m so log-jammed on the Christmas and superhero stories, what free imagination I have that hasn’t been channeled to super-nifty software tweaks has been mulling over some of the worldbuilding aspects of the Tales Of Olde Auringia.

Yes, I shouldn’t get sidetracked to yet another project but, as you know, I have the sword and sorcery genre and the space opera genre projects brewing for future action.

The stories that will take place in my medieval fantasy milieu have been taking up some cycles in my brain’s constant churning. It has expressed itself in a near obsession with diving back into all aspects of an old hobby of mine.

Not only is Dungeons and Dragons a strong influence on my desire to write a series in a medieval fantasy world, but my recent mania of research has brought something to my attention.

TSR and now Wizards of the Coast have produced both game books and novels based in their campaign settings. Also, a lot of the guys who spend hours and hours talking about D&D and all of its fascinating glory also produce game materials for fun and profit.

Since Tales Of Olde Auringia is largely born from my long history of playing D&D in high school and college and even a bit in my grownup period, it seems only fair that I should give serious thought to producing RPG materials based on my setting.

Granted, it’s not a task for today but it is something I’ll be keeping in mind as I develop that milieu for my novel series.

For now, I have to figure out what the heck Holly and Ivy are up to there in Wyoming Pass and to break through the pantser who is philosophically opposed to plotting but really needs to conundrum for The Sentinels.

That’s it for hump day the 20th. I hope your week is brimming with productivity and happiness.

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