Long Weekend? Short Week!

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Long Weekend? Short Week!

Labor Day Weekend was lovely, long and restful. Back to work after a great night’s sleep.

So, When Do You Think You’ll Be Done?

The end of labor is to gain leisure. ~Aristotle

From Aristotle’s pen to God’s ears…

Some people are the job. If that’s what gets you up in the morning, more power to you.

I’m the guy who does the job. It’s a value exchange.

They want something done and I do it. Everybody wins, unless somebody wants something before I can possibly finish it.

There are only so many hours in the day and as we approach my favorite season, the days are getting even shorter.

I’ll be done when I’m done and the more people try jumping in the queue, the longer it will take me to get anything done at all.

Kick back and have a cup of apple cider and some pumpkin spice pastries. I’ll be with you in the order you arrived…

Halfway Done

SHE-HULK EPISODE 3 BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

The standard run for Marvel series on Disney+ is six episodes.

As such, She-Hulk is already half over and we haven’t figured out who the BBEG is.

The latest episode rolled out another of Marvel comics’ classic cannon fodder, The Wrecking Crew.

These guys look pretty imposing, but their primary role is to get their butts kicked by the title hero of whichever comic they’ve invaded. They’re the supervillain version of that team that always gets humiliated by the Harlem Globetrotters.

The big question is, who are they working for?

One of them tried to grab a blood sample from She-Hulk during the scuffle in the alley.

Needless to say, the needle isn’t going to penetrate her gamma-powered skin unless it’s made of adamantium. Maybe not even then.

Who wants her blood? What would they do with it if they could get some? What devilry is this?

Well, we’ve got another three episodes to sort it all out.

Barely Even Started To Scratch The Surface

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. ~Aristotle

And there’s the rub.

For my purposes, comic book oriented entertainment has largely been about the surface mayhem.

Sure, there are some plotlines in the comics and related media that go a bit deeper.

Sure, the original comics had a bit of social commentary to them.

Sure, people expect books to be deep and explore the human condition.

Gimme a break.

Some books are a question of throwing dynamite in a bucket of action figures and seeing who comes out alright.

I’ve heard it said that the more you write, the more the theme becomes evident to you.

That being the case, you can dial it up in revision.

I’ve also heard it said that a lot of the deep motive attributed to books is inferred by the critics and the authors saying, ‘Yeah, exactly. I meant that. Sure…

Personally, I’m hoping to fall somewhere in the middle.

I don’t want my stories to be vapid slugfests, but I don’t want them to be wallowing in psychological melodrama.

I guess we’ll see where I actually wind up when I’ve got more of my brain working on storyline than lines of code.

That’s it for the middle of a short September week. Hope you’re enjoying your short week as well.

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