International Waffle Day 2023

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International Waffle Day 2023

I do have a bottle of sugar-free maple syrup, but I still need to go easy on the waffles if I’m going to slim down a bit.

Completely Pointless

Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson

That’s my goal for this weekend as well. I won’t necessarily be able to do nothing, but whatever I do ought to be completely pointless.

First among these is sleeping as long and as deeply as possible.

What? Sleeping isn’t pointless, you say?

Okay, fair point. Sleep is necessary and serves a purpose of resting the body and allowing the brain to integrate the day’s trials and trivialities into long term memory.

From an experiential point of view, sleep is utterly pointless. It’s a continuum. Whether you dream or whether it’s an expanse of grey oblivion, there is no specific point in a night’s sleep. It all tends to blend together.

What shall I do while I’m not sleeping? Beats me. Maybe Kelly will make me a sugar-free waffle. Probably not.

Maybe I’ll catch up on some movies I’ve wanted to see. That’s pretty pointless. It’s interesting, but it’s just burning up time between sleep cycles.

Maybe I’ll do some chores. Wash some dishes? Change the cat litter? Something else on the Honey-Do List? Absolutely pointless. The dishes will just get dirty again and the cat will continue doing her business in the new litter. Chores are needful but pointless.

Ultimately, my plan is to have no plan. I need to spend some time not doing things of any apparent importance. It’s time to relax.

International Waffle Day

International Waffle Day (March 25) – Activities and Why We Love Waffle Day

Mmm, sugar-free waffles would really hit the spot today.

It’s kind of funny how people keep assigning arbitrary meanings to every day, week and month of the year.

The saying that nature abhors a vacuum applies here. People want things to have some kind of meaning.

We all like holidays. We get a bit antsy when we have long stretches between holidays. It feels tedious.

Fortunately, even if it’s not a big day like Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, we’ve got something to celebrate every single day of the year.

Whether it’s International Waffle Day or any other random celebration of whatever, you can make your own holiday any day of your life by living in gratitude.

Every day is a celebration when I get to snuggle into bed with Kelly or wake up with Rose licking my face. If you can find something to be grateful for, your entire life is a holiday.

Rules And Models

Rules and models destroy genius and art. ~William Hazlitt

Maybe they do and maybe they don’t.

Enslaving yourself to a structure can be very dampening to the muse, but using a basic technique such as the Three Act Structure or the Hero’s Journey can help turn mental mush into something with a viable shape.

What has worked for me in getting my Holiday Season Serial Romances done is having a basic template.

It roughly corresponds to the Three Act Structure or the Dan Wells Seven Point Story Structure, but it’s broken out to the number of days between Thanksgiving and Epiphany.

The overall structure helps me get the story going without being too restrictive.

I need to design a similar template for my The Sentinels, Tales Of Olde Auringia and Far-Flung Reaches books so I can stop running into dead ends. Hmm…

That’s it for this weekend. I’ve got a number of completely pointless things to do or avoid doing. I hope you do, too.

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