National Pennsylvania Day 2024

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National Pennsylvania Day 2024

Today is National Pennsylvania Day. How cool is that? Honestly, every day is Pennsylvania Day to me, but let’s take a look at the official one.

🌳 Green 🌲🌳 Open 🌳🌲 Spaces 🌲

And the beautiful open spaces, the forests of Pennsylvania, the recreational uses that come from having these green open spaces and forests, they contribute dramatically to the level of our tourism, dramatically. ~Ed Rendell

When I graduated high school, I was already committed to join the US Air Force.I was champing at the bit to go out and travel the world.

While I was in the service, I had the rare opportunity to stay in exotic locales like Rantoul, Illinois, and Minot, North Dakota.

That sounds like a dig at those places, but I actually enjoyed seeing different parts of the country for a while. Ultimately, my heart drew me back to Pennsylvania.

As much as I’ve enjoyed visiting actually exotic locations like Bermuda, Russia and Belarus, there’s no place like home. I just love Pennsylvania.

We’ve got marvelous historical sites, excellent colleges, wild natural beauty and hot chickies like my darling wife.

We’ve got food that people throughout the country only wish they had, like Shoo-Fly Pie, Philly Cheesesteaks and Tastykakes.

Pennsylvania is home to the Leni Lenape, the Pennsylvania Dutch and Coal Crackers.

From the Delaware River to the Ohio, Mr. Penn’s Woods have adventures enough for a lifetime.

My personal adoration of my home state is what inspired me to name my publishing house Nerdsylvania Publishing LLC.

I love the forested hills, the rolling swathes of farmland, the seasonal colors and temperate climate of Pennsylvania.

Someday, I may have opportunities to travel again but I’ll always be excited to come home again.

🌲 National 🌳🌲 Pennsylvania 🌲🌳 Day 🌳

Viewers share their favorite things about PA for National Pennsylvania Day

It’s well-deserved for Pennsylvania to have a special day because it’s a special place. I haven’t been out to the western end of the state very often, but I know a number of sights I need to see out there.

I owe my lovely wife another trip to the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, a day at the Erie Maritime Museum where the U.S. Brig Niagara is anchored and even a trip to Bradford, PA way up near the border with New York.

There are so many wonderful sights to see here in my home state. I hope you get a chance to see them, too.

🌳 Penn’s 🌲🌳 Woods 🌲

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost

I’ve been burning the midnight oil trying to catch up at work, so I haven’t had much time for writing.

I have been reviewing the plot of what I have so far periodically, but that’s basically stirring the subconscious crock pot.

It’s been a ridiculously long and arduous week, but I believe that the subconscious churn is helping me for the next writing session.

The thing about writing is that you do so in drafts. Get the ideas down on paper or screen and see what you’ve got to work with for the next draft.

As I think of it, part of my plan for this year was to get my Christmas monthlies done early so I’d have more time to work on this year’s Holiday Season Serial Romance, The Lights of Pine Hollow.

I have only the vaguest notion of what it’s about, but that’s actually typical. I have a basic notion and I start beating keys. By January 6th the following year, I’ve got a new paperback available for anyone who’s not interested in reading it in the serialized format.

In order for that to happen, I need to clear some brain space and that’s been in limited supply lately. I intend to power through, but my work and my writing both take a pronounced toll on me.

It takes time and concentration to do either or both. Given that I’m already exhausted, there’s only so much I can squeeze out of the sponge that is my brain these days.

I just want to go back to bed…

That’s it for today. Have some Pennsylvania Dutch food and get your Keystone on. It’s a perfect day for it.

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