National Mutt Day 2024

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National Mutt Day 2024

Today is National Mutt Day and Rose may not be an AKC purebred of any kind, she’s 100% Pocket 🐺 Wolf!

Happy 🐕 Tails

Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail. ~Kinky Friedman

Any day is a great day to brag about my fuzz-baby, Rose. She is so silly and full of love.

We thought she was going to be black, but she tricked us and turned into a shiny pewter beauty with great big Yoda ears.

At a glance, you might think she’s 100% Yorkie but she’s got some poodle and Chihuahua.


Her brother from another litter, Spencer, is also mixed despite the fact that he looks 100% Chihuahua.

Fortunately, she’s not a shedding dog. Her fur just keeps growing until she looks like a miniature Cousin Itt.

She’s also petite enough to keep using puppy pads. Some people find this offputting, but it’s not nearly as offputting as having to take her out in a raging hurricane.

Rose is a very good girl and she loves snacking on carrot chips, running around squeaking squeaky toys and sleeping on Kelly’s pillow (whether Kelly is on it or not).

Mix 🐶 Those 🐺 Breeds

Daily Holiday – National Mutt Day

If you’re interested in adding a dog to your family, you should really consider getting a mixed-breed dog.

Their temperaments are typically more mellow than pure breeds and they’re less susceptible to breed-specific disorders.

We got Rose from a family with a litter of puppies but you can find excellent companion animals at local shelters.writing-divider

🐾 More 🐩 Equal 🐾

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. ~George Orwell

This is the part of the post where I riff on the topic of the day in relation to writing or whatever. I’m too tired to even try.

I’ve got a ton of stuff to try to catch up on work.

The nice thing about being at the very end of July is that not only is it National 🐺 Mutt 🐶 Day but it is that much closer to the end of my least favorite season.

The not so nice thing about being at the very end of July is that I’m right about where I wanted to be to get started working on The Lights of Pine Hollow and I still have monthlies to finish up.

Good thing I have Rose to keep me company and brighten my day. I’m busy. I’m tired. I’m glad my AC works. Her silliness makes life better no matter what’s going on.

That’s it for the last Hump 🐪 Day of July, 2024 and for July entirely. Have a great week and we’ll see you back here in August.

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