Autumn At Last

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Autumn At Last

Second only to Christmastime, my absolute favorite time of the year is Autumn. I’m blessed to live in a part of the country that enjoys magnificent Fall foliage and splendid crisp weather.

Quick Update

So, I’ve seen the Trauma team’s doctor for follow up on my little mishap. He was pleased with the overall state of me and kindly reminded me (like everyone else in the universe) exactly how lucky I was to have survived the incident.

Yes, I know I’m lucky to have survived. Thanks for letting me know.

Even sneezing is no longer the horrifying experience it was mid-week. I avoid doing so at all costs, but the few that have sneaked through of late are just about tolerable.

I even managed a bit of a nap in my air-conditioned bedroom this morning. Lying down has been a bit of a problem up until now. I can only stand it for a couple of hours, but I should soon be able to max out in the sack with my beloved wife before long.

I’ve gotten through a couple of sessions of physical therapy with the wonderful staff at Good Physical Therapy. They’re doing their best to get me back to normal from my extended ankle sprain and I greatly appreciate their help and skill.

Autumn Chill

I am a human furnace. I am one for cranking out heat, so Summer is extremely uncomfortable for me.

Any time when the overall temperature stays below 60° F (about 15½° C) is an absolute treat for me. The forecast for my neighborhood is settling down in that general direction, thank goodness.

One of the great things about a cool Autumn day is that it makes cooking a real joy. Instead of having to debate the relative Cost: Benefit Ratio of turning on the stove in already-sweltering conditions tips heavily into the Benefit side of the equation. The heat of the stove brings a cheerful warmth to the comforting chill of Autumn and the function of the stove brings marvelous comfort foods to the table.

I’m going to be baking a cake to celebrate the change of seasons and I’m preparing a scrumptious meal to go with it. Yay, Autumn!


Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus

As I mentioned above, my neck of the woods is blessed with really beautiful Fall foliage and a bumper crop of farm fresh veggies. My kids aren’t entirely thrilled to be stuck out in the middle of nowhere, but even they appreciate the natural splendor of our rural hideaway.

It’s such a treat to watch the hillsides take on the magnificent display of Autumn color every year.

Nothing earth-shaking to share today. I’m just thrilled about the end of Summer tonight at 21:45. Goodbye and good riddance!

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