Catching Up

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Catching Up

πŸ˜€ I actually feel like I’m getting over a sizable hump today. πŸŒ„ There have been some obstacles to progress that are finally getting resolved.
🍻 Huzzah! 🍻

Hope Springs Eternal

Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. ~Samuel Smiles

I seem to be making some progress this week. That’s a relief. I’ve been feeling a bit bogged down for quite some time.

I’m more rested and therefore more focused. That makes it considerably easier to cope with the mountainous backlog I’ve been dragging around.

There’s a sense of freedom that comes from cutting through the problems that have been plaguing me.

No point in getting complacent about it, though.

At least I have this reprieve and I’ve got to keep on keeping on while it lasts.


Marvel Studios’ Loki | Official Trailer | Disney+

Loki had an incredible character arc throughout the MCU and in the new series on Disney+, he gets to go through it all over again. Owen Wilson is incredible, as always. Tom Hiddleston really owns the character of Loki and continues to do incredible things with the classic Thor villain.

There are lots of interesting movies coming out this year and next, not the least of which are the upcoming MCU releases. The good thing about this is that not only can I get my comics geek on, but it’s proof of concept for the financial viability of the superhero genre. I expect The Sentinels to work out well.

Based on the schedule of upcoming movies and plans for future phases of the DCEU and the MCU, my series should track well with the popularity of comics-based movies and TV. Just gotta git ‘er done…

THE BEST UPCOMING MOVIES 2021 & 2022 (Trailers)

Run Away Home

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. ~Twyla Tharp

That’s me in a nutshell: Running away without leaving home.

I have always been into escapism. Whether watching TV, playing with toys of all kinds, reading comic books or writing stories of my own, I’ve always enjoyed being someplace else no matter where I actually was.

My bedroom was a universe of limitless possibilities. It could be a demolition derby, a medieval battlefield or an epic space adventure.

It was safe to be unsafe. Any mess I made could be cleaned up before bedtime or cordoned off to give access to my bed and pick back up first thing the next morning.

Then, as now, I abhorred leaving my room.

Reality was, and still is, a lot more messy than anything I could dream up.

Lately, I’ve been working on marrying the two in order to improve my stories.

The thing about superheroes, particularly in the Golden Age, is that they tended to be unrealistic.

Okay, people flying or shooting laser beams out of their eyes is already unrealistic, but they were always so perfect. It wasn’t until the late Silver Age that comic book characters started having problems. Alcohol, drugs, bullying, emotional abuse and mental illness started appearing in the storylines.

You didn’t get a lot of regular life issues. Some characters were married and so forth but normal, everyday stuff didn’t really fit into the panels. Kids don’t need all of that dragging down a story about guys in capes stopping bank robberies or duking it out with monsters. It wasn’t until the Modern Age when all that kind of delving started to come in.

I guess we’re currently post-Modern. This modern mythology has expanded from the pages of the simple comic book into graphic novels, cartoon series, live-action series and full-length feature films.

In-depth character studies like Joker can compete with glitzy rock’em sock’em epics like Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The more that comes out, the more the appetite is built for more. Non-mainstream offerings such as The Boys, Invincible, Heroes and Watchmen have taken new properties that never came from DC or Marvel and brought them into the public eye.

I’d like The Sentinels to join the ranks of publicly known and highly sought-after superhero fiction. I think the milieu has a lot of potential for storytelling at every level. I guess we’ll see…

Either way, I get to stay home and pretend just like I used to when I was a kid. Unlike then, I actually have the potential to make some money from my imagination. Having fun and making money? Talk about a childhood dream come true.

I’ve got plenty to do and, thankfully, I seem to also have the energy to do it. Gotta keep chugging along while the energy is there to be employed. I hope your week is productive as well.

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