End Of November 2022

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End Of November 2022

Well, the Hygge 🇩🇰 Quarter of the year is 2/3 over. I have mixed feelings about it. The good thing is that Christmas is coming. The bad thing is that 🍂Autumn🍂 and the holiday season will be ending all too soon at this rate.


I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. ~Henry David Thoreau

Thanksgiving came and went without too much fanfare. It wasn’t the usual family get-together since we had just seen everybody all week down the shore recently. Quiet and relaxing, thank goodness.

Fortunately, we have just enough. Some might say we have too much, but you can always buy another mini-shed.

The important thing is that we have the good fortune to have food enough to get to the next shopping trip, seasonal clothes, seasonal climate control options and a nifty little house in the outskirts of society.

This is how we like it. Not everybody does.

The Constitution promises a right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We pursue our happiness here in the sticks. That works for us.

Those who have other ideas are free to pursue their happiness wherever they believe they’ll find it. Good luck and Godspeed.


Christmas Music Radio 🎄📻 Old Christmas Songs Mix 🎅 Oldies Christmas Music 2022

Gotta love when some of the radio stations start up with the 24×7 Christmas music broadcasting.

I wish that they recognized that Christmas actually lasts until the 5th of January. I’d love to have 24×7 Christmas music on the radio right through New Year’s.

Yeah, I know. Rob’s going on a rant about the 12 Days of Christmas again.

But they are.

The 12 Days of Christmas are NOT the 12 remaining shopping days before Christmas; they are the 12 days beginning with Christmas Day and ending on January 5th.

December 25th is Christmas Day, but December 26th is still Christmas. New Year’s is Christmas. January 5th is Christmas.

January 6th is Epiphany. That’s a season of its own, and that’s when the Christmas music can fall off the radio.

End of sermon.

A Few Caring People

Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have. ~Margaret Mead

That’s the founding mission of The Sentinels. That’s the place I need to start from in the series.

Actually, I kind of do. Tanda is the promise of their founding mission.

They formed the team in order to serve in a typically superhero team role, but they knew they would have a lot of “downtime”.

The thing about the Avengers, the Justice League, the Justice Society of America and other comic and movie teams is that you see the exciting bits.

In the MCU, the movies built up from a collection of stand-alone adventures with each hero doing his or her own thing. Each of them was approached by Nick Fury, who envisioned something that would require more than any one of them could bring to the table. As a team, they were able to defeat an invading alien army.

…and then they went home.

In the comics, the Avengers have Avengers Mansion in NYC, the X-Men have Professor X’s School for Gifted Children and the Justice League had a headquarters in DC as well as their Watchtower space station. Avengers Mansion and the X-Mansion, in particular, serve as a full-time home for large, ever-changing teams of heroes.

These were the inspiration for Lucius Deagle and Timothy Wisler when they founded The Sentinels. Lucius was a lifelong comics nerd who discovered that his godfather was superhuman. It occurred to him that his “Uncle Matt” was probably not the only one. His beloved comics assured him that there were likely to be more.

Once he learned about Tim’s adventures in Upstate New York, he made contact. The two of them became friends and expanded the search for other exceptional people. They also outlined the idea of a real world team of superheroes.

Eventually, their idea came to fruition. The Sentinels became a fully deputized contractor to the Empire City Police Department, but they wanted to be more than that. They wanted to be a positive civic influence on the city, the country and the world.

They wanted to be the few caring people who would change the world.

So, the story begins with Tanda. Tanda first saw them at one of their school assemblies when she was in elementary school. She was inspired by their message and trained to become a superhero her entire life.

We pick up the story when her powers manifest and she finally feels eligible to join the team. We find them in a state of malaise. Before her powers activate, they despaired of any other supers ever being found. Together, they begin a new chapter.

Busy week. Tons to do. I hope you’re enjoying my absolutely favorite time of year because I sure am.

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