Grand Theft Autumn

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🍂 Grand Theft Autumn 🍂

Somebody told me the high for today was supposed to be 78° and I was like seriously?

🍂 One Autumnal Face🍂

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face. ~John Donne

I have no problem saying that Kelly is my favorite person in the whole world.

She thinks I have a wandering eye but it’s just the novelist in me trying to find characters for my stories.

It’s just the analyst in me trying to figure out what kind of person they are.

It’s just the guy in me wondering what they’d look like naked.

Okay, it’s not the first thing in my head, but I do get there sometimes.
I am a guy, after all.

Just the same, no matter what intrigue or cosmetic embellishments anyone may happen to have, Kelly has the full package. She is the most beautiful person I have ever met. Inside and out, hands down the most beautiful person I have ever known.

And, she looks great naked!!!

Just because we’re getting on in years doesn’t mean the bloom has wilted. Kelly is every bit as beautiful, fun and vivacious as the day I met her. That’s why she’s still my favorite person after knowing her for three decades of my half-century on this silly little planet.

🍂 A Lovely Little Place🍂

Build The Most Beautiful Underground House Villa by Ancient Skills

These guys do the most intricate little structures just hacking away at the jungle floor. You really have to commend them for their skill and imagination. I would certainly have neither the energy nor the slightest clue of how to go about designing one of these clever little structures.

Everybody brings something to the table, even if it’s creative excavation. For me, it’s software work and storytelling.

What’s in your wheelhouse?

✍🏻 All Lies 📖

Art is the most beautiful of all lies. ~Claude Debussy

That’s a rather succinct description of fiction. We’re lying to you.

The people we tell stories about exist only in our heads and breathe life only through our pens and keyboards.

The planets we set spinning in space or the nations of fantastical realms exist only because we thought of them and chose to share them with you.

How many stories are languishing out there, waiting for their creators to jot them down to make them real?

Mine are on hiatus while I get back on the software track, but they are brewing in my subconscious. They’re waiting to ferment and burst forth like a new spirit.

Everything has its season. For now, my pen and notebooks lay fallow while my software fields are furrowed. Eventually, it will be time to return to the stories and bring them to life. All in good time, my friends. All in good time.

I suppose it’s remiss of me to take such a cavalier attitude but if it’s waited this long, it can wait a tad longer. I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. Mine’s been a hoot.

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