I’m Done

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I’m Done

I finally got the paperback on-demand version of All I Want configured and up for sale as well as a couple of pesky outstanding work assignments. Despite the fact that I felt like crap all week, that’s rather a lot.

All They Do Is Lie

A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. ~Charles Spurgeon

There’s a lot of tough talk going around these days. It’s actually rather frightening if you take it seriously.

💩☭  💩☭  💩☭  💩☭  💩
💩 Problem is, the people saying 💩
💩 the worst stuff are the people who 💩
💩 say all kinds of random shit and 💩
💩 don’t mean a word of it. 💩
💩☭  💩☭  💩☭  💩☭  💩

The words “political theater” have been bouncing around like lottery balls. I actually got frightened by the tone that has been expressed in the news recently.

Then it occurred to me that the people saying these deeply disturbing things say crazy 💩 all the time and, evidently, don’t actually mean a single fucking word of it. Oh, I’m sure they mean it in the moment that it’s said but they spend so much time spewing incomprehensible, random 🐂💩 that you can’t take any of it seriously.

I’ve had enough.

We’ve been strung along for nearly a year now.

The final message of 2020
was that rules, laws and
social custom mean nothing.

The goalposts are free
to move as they will.

Nothing has meaning except
whatever was said last by the
people who claim to be in charge.

I could live without all that crap but, apparently, the game has changed. I have to say that it’s a dangerous precedent to set.

If that’s the game now, anyone can play. The more people who start playing the new game by these rules, the worse things get.

The core problem is that there are a small number of people who have convinced themselves that they’re above the law. They believe that the rules don’t apply to them. They’ve succeeded in pulling off the biggest bit of fuckery in US History.

They are very proud of themselves for rewriting the rules. So proud that they’ve overlooked the obvious fact that if you rewrite the rules, they’re not just the rules that ☭ they  get to ignore. They’re the rules for all of us.

At this point, the rules
are moot for everyone.

Not all of us have
caught on to that.

The people of this country still believe that the US Constitution matters and ought to. The people of this country still believe that laws matter and should be enforced. The people of this country believe that social convention is the glue that binds society.

The curious minority who have decided that the rules don’t apply are slowly dissolving the aforementioned glue to serve their own purposes.

Frankly, I don’t get it.

They’re not ultimately serving their own purposes at all. They’re drilling holes in the bottom of their boat.

At this point, I say we should let them.

I’m just done with the whole ugly game. I’ve got my own life to get on with. We had a nice couple of years. Let them play their goddamned games and hope they don’t fuck the country up too badly before they sink themselves.

2021 is looking like a waterslide into the depths of 🔥👿🔥 Hell 🔥👿🔥.

I’ll do my best to help you endure it. Considering how completely full of 💩 the perpetrators are, it might not get as bad as we’re anticipating. Then again, it could get even worse. We’ll see what happens…

You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down ~Mary Pickford


Work From Home

Men at Work – Complete Album Collection

It seemed appropriate to put the playlist above on while I did a ton of catchup work yesterday. Not sure why I hadn’t thought of it earlier. Could be that I spent the week trying to finish up the Holiday Season Serial Romance and feeling like death warmed over.

Actually, I was afraid I’d actually been ☣️🇨🇳☣️ Rona’d ☣️🇨🇳☣️ but you might be as shocked as I am to realize that there are still other ☣️ diseases 🦠 floating ☣️ around 🦠 to ☣️ afflict 🦠 people ☣️ these days.

Needless to say, my kids didn’t appreciate me singing along but it was a necessary element to my getting things done. Now that I’ve discovered the efficacy of using 80s and 90s pop music in getting my work done, they can look forward to more 🎼ad🎤hoc🎛️karaoke🎶🎶🎶

I literally can’t wait to start work on Monday morning…

Heart & Soul

To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist. ~Robert Schumann

There are a lot of paths to this end. Schumann chose music as his medium for enlightenment. I’m more interested in prose.

To that end, I’ve been rummaging through my writing materials and looking for resources online. I found this series of lectures from author Brandon Sanderson. I’m about halfway through and it’s very informative. Thank goodness for free college courses being posted online.

2020 Creative Writing Lectures at BYU – Brandon Sanderson

Now, more than ever, we’re going to need some decent escapism. “Reality” is getting entirely too fucked up.

Kelly asked how many books I planned to write this year. I haven’t decided yet. I’m still recovering from the RomCom run. I’m also still in the planning stages of the other series.

As I mentioned earlier, I’m still recovering from a case of the unspecified 🦠 creeping 🦠 crud. Long-term thinking isn’t at a premium right now. I need to take the weekend off and probably all of next week as well.

Maybe my work tunes will have a palliative effect and I can get on with the work at hand sooner rather than later. Maybe I’ll just continue feeling like I’ve been run over by a steamroller. It remains to be seen…

Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one. ~Stella Adler

That’s all I’ve got right now. I hope you’re having a restful weekend as well.

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