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Last Hump Day Of Summer
Did you ever watch the clock at school or work? Just waiting for the day to end so you could get on with what you REALLY want to be doing?
What’s Cooking?
Well, that’s how I feel about summertime. I’m counting down the days until it is officially OVER and I’m enjoying every single waypoint.
Right now, it’s about 70°F and that’s basically as hot as it ever needs to be. Tonight, we’re looking to get down into the mid-40s. NOW, THAT’S MY KIND OF WEATHER!!!
The cooler weather seems to be helping with my breathing and it affords an opportunity to do more baking. There will be less complaining about cooking in the oven when the temperatures are dipping into the 40s and 50s on a daily basis.
I certainly wish that my chest would stop hurting. For God’s sake, it’s been more than a year already and it just continues to hurt every single day. I’m seeing the doctor on Thursday. The prednisone has helped somewhat, but we’re not over the goal line yet.
Did Sir Walter Scott Invent Scotland? – Dr. Juliet Shields
It’s been said that Sir Walter Scott invented Scotland as we commonly think of it. Kilts, tartans, bagpipes, sword dances, the whole thing apparently was cooked up by the mind of a writer and poet. It has stuck with us ever since.
Some people look at that as tragic because it’s a convenient, romantic fiction.
Well, fuck them! Right in the ear…
I prefer to think of it as nigh-miraculous that a creative genius was able to reshape an entire culture simply by willing it to be so. Whatever ghastly medieval peasant state they had lived in previously was summarily swept away by an act of creative genius.
Now, that’s something to aspire to. Let the “realists” get down in the muck and mire of humdrum reality. Imagination is far more productive.
Inventions, works of art, music, new recipes, all these things depend on imagination. What went before was “reality“. What became of the creative thought process became a new reality.
Suddenly, flying across oceans was possible.
Suddenly, people could talk to each other anywhere in the world
from anywhere else in the world.
Suddenly, you could pick up jello and eat it like a wobbly cookie.
Suddenly, you could pick up whole paragraphs and move them to another page
instead of backing up and typing over the white ribbon or even just starting over.
Invention requires imagination. Reality simply needs acquiescence to the status quo. Screw that! Give me imagination all day every day.
As an example of making your own reality, we saw a magic show this weekend. Connor’s martial arts instructor, Jon Bonner enjoys putting on magic shows and his ensemble includes a couple of singers to help fill the evening with a bit of variety. This show, he invited a nationally acclaimed comedian, ZacK Hammond.
ZacK is a perfect example of making your own reality. The guy makes a living traveling the country making people laugh. How much better can life get than that? Here’s one of the bits he did during the show:
The guy is entirely too funny and he has no respect for “reality“. Good. We need more people like that.
Don’t Skip Any Steps
Unless a tree has borne blossoms in spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in
~Sir Walter Scott
“When will you be done?” I’m often asked. When all the pieces are in place, my dear.
It’s a complex, multi-step operation regardless of how simple you’d like it to be. You can’t drive a car that hasn’t got an engine. You can’t move into a house that hasn’t got a roof. You can’t eat raw chicken or pork. You’ve got to wait until all the steps are completed.
The more interruptions there are. The longer the steps take. Just because things look like I’m not doing anything doesn’t mean that I’m not doing anything. There’s a lot to do and all the extraneous running around just makes it take that much longer.
You’ll just have to be patient. It will totally be worth the wait.
That’s all for today. I hope you’re enjoying the end of summer as much as I’m enjoying that it’s ending.