National Carrot Cake Day 2024

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National Carrot Cake Day 2024

I know Emmeline will be very excited to know that today is πŸ₯• National Carrot Cake Day πŸŽ‚ since it is her favorite kind of cake.

πŸ₯• It Must Be Healthy, Right πŸŽ‚

Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie ~Jim Davis

It is my firstborn’s birthday month, so it’s fitting that National Carrot Cake Day should kick it off.

Why is carrot cake her favorite kind of cake? Who knows? Weird runs in the family. She comes by it honestly.

My favorite cake is Angel Food and Kelly loves chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Connor likes ice cream cake, but who doesn’t?

I don’t think Dorothy and Allan have actually stated a personal favorite. As long as it’s not stale or poisonous, they’re on it.

It’s nice that we each have our preferences and our own months to enjoy them in. Kelly and I both have July birthdays, so that’s twice as much cake for everybody.

To be fair, you don’t have to wait until someone’s birthday to eat cake. You can have some just because.

But you can’t have it all day, every day. Everything in moderation, even if it’s your favorite.

If You Don’t Have Time To Get To The Bakery

Amazing Carrot Cake Recipe

Being honest, I’m not sure I could pull that off. If I don’t have time to get to the bakery, I’d better be in a position to hire a DoorDash person to grab it for me.

It’s not that I’m not up to a challenge, but some things are simply better when made by people who are competent to do so.

There are plenty of things I’m good at and plenty more that I’m fair to middlin’. For the rest, I celebrate the diversity of modern society.

I don’t need to do things that can be done really well by someone else.

I’m plenty busy doing the stuff I’m good at. Extremely busy.

This I could do without. Plain ol’ busy would be great.

Work / Life Balance isn’t looking too promising this year. Hopefully, with the new statistics being gathered, they’ll discover a need for another data guy on the team.

I’m glad to have plenty of interesting work to do, but it’s getting out of hand.

πŸ“ Can’t Edit A Blank Page πŸ“ƒ

You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page. ~J.K. Rowling

I had a terribly busy week.

I listened to AuthorTube videos as the opportunity arose, but mostly I just worked on work stuff.

That can only last so long.

All work and no play makes Rob fairly irate. I need some balance and I need some time to get back to The Sentinels.

Since I took January off to help my brain reset, I’m still in subconscious churn mode.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m primarily a “pantser’ or ‘discovery writer’. Even so, when I write my Holiday Season Serial Romances, I depend on some basic waypoints.

For those, the story is effectively confined to the days between Thanksgiving and Epiphany. The rising action has to take me to a climax somewhere between Christmas Day and New Year’s. The structure is pre-built for me, and that helps me stay on track to get it done.

With a much more involved tridecology that spans a decade of superhero goings on, the waypoints are less self-evident.

Besides, each of the thirteen books has its own rising action, climax and denoument. I need to determine when each of the books occurs,

Are they back to back or are there gaps of time between books? What happens in each book to make it interesting while still being a step in the cycle of thirteen?

I haven’t nailed that down quite yet.

My MO is typically to get in the zone and transcribe the movie in my mind. Without a better grasp of the waypoints, I tend to meander.

What I do know is that, like the Holiday Season Serial Romances, I’m writing the primary tridecology in past tense with a third person omniscient viewpoint.

That feels more cinematic to me.

I’m not sure whether I’ll do the same for the Collateral Impact short story anthologies. It seems like it would make them fit more with the series they’re based on, but writing in first person present would make the stories more personal and intense.

Of course, that depends on me picking the events that drive the short stories. Naturally, that depends on me having some waypoints identified that might serve as Collateral Impact catalysts.

Also, if I write some stand-alone books on individual heroes from the series, I might write those in first person present for the sense of immediacy and immersion.

So, job one is to pick some waypoints. I’ve got a core cast and an idea of when each of them joins the team. I still don’t have a handle on the motivations and means of The Conclave yet.

That’s something I need to work on. We’ll see what comes up.

That’s it for today. I hope you get to eat a piece of your favorite kind of cake. If you don’t have a favorite, try some carrot cake and see if you agree with Emmeline’s opinion of it.

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