National Chocolate Pudding Day 2024

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National Chocolate Pudding Day 2024

Better late than never, you might say, but it’s National Chocolate Pudding Day and I’m totally here for it!

Basically, Yes

Ontologically, chocolate raises profoundly disturbing questions: Does not chocolate offer natural revelation of the goodness of the Creator just as chilies disclose a divine sense of humor? Is the human born with an innate longing for chocolate? Does the notion of chocolate preclude the concept of free will? ~David Augsburger

I think he’s on to something there.

No matter how hectic life is or how distracted I might be, a bit of chocolate (particularly in pudding form) is something that can be thankfully included.

Does that necessarily short-circuit free will? Maybe.

For me, if I’m extremely busy with something that needs doing yesterday and I’m bringing all the ADHD hyperfocus that I can to the matter, simple temptations like a bowl of chocolate pudding or getting a quick smooch from my absurdly attractive wife can supersede whatever I’m engaged in.

Actually, if I could smooch my astonishingly sexy wife while enjoying a bowl of chocolate pudding, it could easily detach me from the most engaging conundrums.

Speaking of smooching my ludicrously luscious wife, she’s been feeling a bit left out lately. My counterpart in the data conversion team has left to seek work for which he has more passion.

Fair enough and good on him. A lot of people stay in jobs they don’t have a passion for. It’s nice to have the freedom and self-awareness to know to follow your dreams.

However, that leaves me stuck with all of my work and all of his work while my beautiful, adoring wife is left waiting for me to get done so we can enjoy some time together.

I’m not saying that if she were to present herself to me wearing nothing but dollops of chocolate pudding and whipped cream, I’d necessarily drop everything to go lick it off of her…

but it’s certainly worth finding out!

Sugar-Free Chocolate Pudding

The CREAMIEST KETO Chocolate Pudding!

Yes, I’m feeling that “I’ve got Chocolate Pudding” dance.

Wow, that’s a lot of work for a little pudding, but anything worth doing is worth the effort of doing it.

Actually, anything worth doing is worth paying someone who actually likes doing it to do it for you so you can spend your time doing what you like to do while waiting for your chocolate pudding.

Truth be told, it’s all the same to me if I stop through a grocery store and grab some shelf-stable Snack Pack Sugar-Free Chocolate Pudding.

The important thing is that there is some sugar-free chocolate pudding to be had and that I might have the chance to pair that with my gorgeous wife’s dizzying curves.

Resistance Is Futile

When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. ~Regina Brett

Even though I’m ridiculously busy with work stuff, life still goes on.

It doesn’t come naturally to me to break from work to attend to the more mundane needs of life.

For one thing, there are currently four occupants of my house. Connor is back for the summer. Dorothy is on a layover until she can get a place of her own. Kelly gets home after a long day of work. Surely, the dishes can get done and the cat litter can be changed by someone other than me, occasionally.

Either way, it eventually gets done.

What can’t get done is stuff that literally I can only do. These stories aren’t going to write themselves.

While I may be hyperfocused on work tasks, there’s still an underlying need to get these stories out of my head and onto the page.

It’s causing a fair amount of cognitive dissonance that’s exacerbated by the unpleasant weather (which is to say, anything over 50°F).

Being stressed and having to endure my least favorite season is a one-two-punch I could live without.

Hopefully, we’ll find a replacement for my departed colleague and workload can return to more manageable levels soon.

In the meantime, there’s always sugar-free chocolate pudding to sweeten the ordeal.

That’s it for today. I’ve got tons to do and less time to do it. June is nearly over and that means, thank goodness, that 🌞 Summer 🔥 will also eventually be over.

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