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National No Dirty Dishes Day 2024
If it is to be, it’s up to me. Being that today is National No Dirty Dishes Day and I’m apparently the only person in the house who can wash a damn dish, guess I need to heat up some soapy 🧼 water and get down to it.
Scrubbing 🧼 Bubbles
If you don’t wash dishes properly, you will get ill. And you will lose friends because they’ll come to your house, you’ll give them tea in a filthy cup, and they’ll never see you again. ~Jon Richardson
Somehow the dirty dishes pile up as quickly as you wash and put them back. It’s a bit maddening.
I generally find washing the dishes to be relaxing and productive, except when they pile up while I’m busy working.
That can get stressful. Having to obsess over getting my work done for the week is enough of an obligation without having to face a perpetually full sink.
Well, work is done for the week. I can do the dishes as they accrue and restore some kitchen zen.
🧼 Git ‘er Done 🧼
National No Dirty Dishes Day (May 18) – Activities and How to Celebrate National No Dirty Dishes Day
We used to have a dishwashing machine, but it got old and broke down. It had a good run and lasted us over twenty years.
Now, I’m back to washing dishes by hand. That’s fine. I enjoy washing dishes as long as I have the time and energy to get to it.
Being that it’s the weekend, I now have the time. So, do your worst, family. Plates and flatware and bowls, oh my. I’ve got suds and hot water for all that.
No worries.
Cleaning 🧼 Up
For society to progress, we should not only move forward but also clean up after ourselves. ~Boyan Slat
Classic sci-fi was often about scientific breakthroughs and the ethical dilemmas that came with them.
I’m quite a while off from starting on my Far-Flung Reaches stories. When I get there, I’d like to play with this idea.
The funny thing is that scientific advances have already progressed to an almost dystopian state.
Another thing about sci-fi, particularly Star Trek, is that it can portray a world in which these issues were already solved and make way for new problems.
It would be nice to see some of our stickiest problems in the rear view mirror. One of the ways to do so is to write optimistic sci-fi.
Even though it’s meant to be optimistic, it can’t be free of strife. Fiction without friction is considered boring. Also, the best laid plans…
The best of circumstances can be thwarted by the simplest things. Picnics can fall prey to pop up storms, ants or family tiffs.
I don’t know. It’s just a thought. It will be a while before I get to the sci-fi series.
The current projects are to get my Christmas Monthlies done so I can get The Lights of Pine Hollow done so I can get on with The Sentinels.
That’s just ambitious enough to make me want to go back to bed after I get the dishes washed up.
That’s it for today. I’ve got a writers group meeting and some other errands to run before I get back to my projects. I hope you’re having a lovely, sudsy weekend.