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National Shower with a Friend Day 2025
Scandalous as it may seem, today is National Shower with a Friend Day. Kelly doesn’t want me to let on that we would ever do such a naughty thing, so I won’t. π
My favorite way to blow off steam is to sing obnoxiously loud in the shower. ~Chris Pratt
I used to do that sometimes.
You have to be in the right mood for singing in the shower.
I’m not typically in a good mood if I have to take a shower.
Showers are utilitarian, hasty and require standing.
That being said, the best way to get me in a shower is if my beloved wife is there.
I can wash her back. She can wash mine. We can talk about stuff the kids can’t hear over the running water.
Even so, I grew up with a bathtub. It had really cool cast iron lion’s feet, and it was like an indoor swimming pool.
πΏ I Prefer A Bubble Bath π
Everyone Crashes Chandler’s Bath | Friends
Of course, that was when I was little. Our tub was gigantic when I was in elementary school. You could fill it halfway and add a lot of bubbles and it was absolutely magical.
It was the only way I knew to get clean until they installed the shower overhead. It was an oval of pipe with a shower head at one end and a curtain hanging from that piping.
The new shower was quick and convenient for getting ready to go to school at the last possible moment, but I still preferred a bath for relaxation and deep cleaning.
Our place has a shower / tub. It’s not as classy as my old iron tub. It doesn’t have clawed feet or rounded edges, but it is just big enough to accommodate me.
Too small to drown in, but big enough to sink into and rest my head on the edge for a soaky, relaxing reprieve.
From what?
Gravity, mainly. It’s so nice to be able to experience a little bit of floating, soaking, deep moisturizing and getting the water hot enough to stay warm for longer than I can afford to stay in.
Showers are fine as a necessity, but for me, baths are where it’s at.
πΏ Shower Epiphany π‘
I write every day… I never get ideas unless I’m actually writing. Ideas I get in the shower don’t do me any good. ~Janet Fitch
I’ve rarely had a problem holding onto an idea from the shower to a notepad.
The problem I always had was getting ideas on the road. My shortest ever commute was at least 25 miles and there was basically nowhere to pull over and write something down.
I’m so grateful not to have to commute anymore.
Not all jobs have the potential to be work from home. The one I have now actually excels in work from home settings.
The company is growing quickly and abundantly because they’re no longer constrained to hire whoever is within driving distance of the home office.
That’s no longer a problem. We can hire anyone from sea to shining sea and we’re thriving because of it.
It’s great to be able to just sit down to work and still have all the comforts of home. We can meet at a moment’s notice from all around the country in a virtual meeting room.
It’s also great not to have to spend an hour driving home over treacherous roads in bad weather. I can work until I’m done working. I can transition to writing or just hanging around.
No traffic jams. No deer jumping out in front of me. No trying to traverse hills and dips that are shellacked with ice. Just no.
It’s home sweet home and I’m more productive than I ever was wearing a tie, sitting in a cube farm. Those days are over, thank God.
That’s all for today. I’ll see you on Saturday for a blast from the past.