Happy Thanksgiving Day 2017 It’s that day again. Parades, food, football, food, family, food and more food! We’re blessed to…
Humpf Day We’ve established that gratitude is mentally, biologically and spiritually beneficial to you in many ways. Nevertheless, we are…
GratiTuesday Living with an attitude of gratitude can be challenging when adversity rears its ugly head. Who wants to give…
Thanksliving Week I don’t get to church as often as I should, but when I do I have the good…
Just Say No~vember NaNoWriMo National Novel Writing Month is upon us. It is a 30 day challenge to get…
Pushing Goodness I’ve been reading the book Abundance, by Peter Diamandis. Why? I needed a dose of goodness. Optimism The…
Some Interesting Sayings I had some ideas rattling around inside my head today, so I thought I’d share them with…
Some news before I go to camp As usual for this time of year, I’m gearing up to go to…
My Green Office Hey! While it’s not technically Summer, summer weather has kicked in and it’s getting kind of close…
We Love Mom …but let’s face it. She’s sooooo last week. Dad is the future! Father’s Day is coming. Get…