Lovely Long Weekend

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Lovely Long Weekend

While the storm raged throughout the region, we were fortunate to be spared much of the hassle. Power outages and other dreadful things have been reported far and wide. Luckily, we had a bit of chill and a fair amount of wind but no major issues. I had a splendid opportunity to sleep in with my lovely wife and binge my face off on Netflix and The CW.

Moving Forward

Okay, so I’m caught up on a bunch of shows I’ve been putting off and I’ve ripped through a bunch of graphic novels I’ve been meaning to get to. Now it’s time to get back to work. I’ve got a number of new Pioneer Skill Set videos to do and quite a bit of writing to catch up on.

Fortunately, my son has Spring Break over the next two weeks so I won’t have to do quite as much running around as usual. That will give me some more time to get caught up. All the same, I’ve got to make better use of the time I do have than I have been. I’ve been entirely too lax and way too engaged on Facebook. My God, you really do get sucked into that nonsense.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the world today kind of sucks. A lot of that has to do with the fact that good people just want to live and let live while a lot of complete jerks have enacted an insidious plot to turn the world into a permanent socialist suckathon. They seem to think that “fairness” must necessarily equate with “sameness”. Which is to say that the only way for things to be “fair” is for everyone to get the same results. The only problem with that notion is that an “everybody wins” scenario is actually a Least Common Denominator. Unlike the notion of a rising tide lifting all ships, it’s actually everybody getting shipwrecked on the same damned sandbar.

In life, there are people who are better at some things than other people are. When you’re good at something, you’re likely to celebrate the fruits of your excellence in either a material or social benefit. People who are good at sports and art become famous. People who are famous are usually given things because other people want to see their goods associated with these famous people. People who are good at more practical skills tend to become wealthy because they are bringing value to the marketplace. The more value you bring, the more valuable you are.

This is why doctors and lawyers are paid more than baristas and sandwich preparers. Doctors and lawyers might be able to make a decent cup of coffee, but a barista is quite unlikely to reattach a severed artery and a sandwich preparer is rather unlikely to keep an unjustly accused defendant from spending life in prison. I like a Reuben as much as the next guy and I’m impressed if you can draw pictures in my cappuccino foam, but you’re not saving my life. I can just as easily eat a Mars bar, a Slim Jim or a PB&J. I wasn’t saving anyone’s life at the factory and neither were the men and women who operated the bag-making machines. The latter were paid more because they brought more value to the company than I was. Fair enough.

Unlike the Stealth Socialists who are destroying our civilization with their mental dreck, I accept the notion that doing some things is worth more than doing some other things. I honestly don’t understand why people don’t get that. It’s really not that hard to understand.


After a rather long, chilly weekend taking my ease in many ways, it’s about time that I got on with my goals. Today, I get back on track with my exercise regimen. Being that 8 is one of my favorite numbers, I found this workout particularly attractive. Being that it works in a descending order of repetitions, it’s even more attractive to me. Basically, what I do is:

  • 8 Dumbell Lifts
  • 8 Burpees
  • 8 Crunches

After which I do 7 of each and so forth down to 1 final repetition of each. Then I’m done. Doing it in single-digit repetitions makes it seem less tiresome than doing 36 of each all at once. Believe me, by the time you get to that final set of 1 it’s rather a lot. I may bump it up to 13 at some point, which would bring the total workout to 81 repetitions overall. I believe it will take a while to work up to that. On the other hand, I might add something to the list of repetitions.

I do need to make a habit of executing the Tornado Kick and the Scorpion Kick, so maybe I’ll add those to the workout list. We’ll see.

Newton’s First Law of Motion

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. ~Sir Isaac Newton

Weeeeeeeellllll, I’ve definitely been an object at rest this weekend. How absolutely GLORIOUS!!!  Be that as it may, it’s time for this body to get in motion. The more I remain at rest, the more I’m likely to. It’s been my observation that when I get on a roll, the First Law of Motion definitely takes hold.

That’s definitely something to be encouraged about. While getting back in motion can take some doing, it’s definitely preferable to remaining static indefinitely. I’ve been inert for entirely too long. Even though it’s only really been a couple of days of indolence, I feel like I’ve been crusted in bedrock for centuries. It’s actually kind of annoying.

I’ve had such a wonderful rest but it’s time to get going. Time to spring into action!

This is the first day of the rest of my life. How ’bout you? It’s a whole new week of a whole new month, so it’s a brand new opportunity for a brand new you. What changes are you going to make in your life?

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