Scorching Peaks

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Scorching Peaks

Bah! We’re having one of those nasty little spikes in temperature one usually associates with August.

Current Events

Dorothy is at school learning cosmetology. The van is acting up, but we’ve gotten her there just the same.

I’ve got another interview this morning. Will be interesting to see what they’ve got to offer.

Kelly will be having more time at home thanks to the ‘Rona and its impact on the hospitality industry which is compounded by our idiot governor’s blatantly partisan jackassery.

⚓ Fire The Wave Motion Gun! ⚓

Space Battleship Yamato / Star Blazers (2010) – Live Action Movie – Rare Fan Dub

I was looking for something interesting to put here and WOW!!! A live-action Star Blazers adaptation that’s even dubbed into English? Woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so I’m a nerd but you already knew that.

Plot 🌾 Gardening

Week 2: Plot Gardening

Marketing is Farming, Not Hunting

The creative process isn’t something that can be cranked out like plastic from a machine. It takes some thought and effort.

Kelly is a bit irritated that I’ve committed to another genre, but these stories have been rattling around in my brain for decades. I’m locking it down to three (plus the annual Christmas romances). Those three are technically subcategories of sci-fi/fantasy.

The Sentinels is a series in a distinct universe (that happens to be shared with my annual Christmas romances) where superheroes exist just like the comic books. The basic series follows the team through the “Hero’s Journey”. There are plenty of opportunities for spin-offs and hero-specific novels in the Sentinelsverse.

Tales Of Olde Auringia takes place in a completely separate milieu. This setting is a sword & sorcery collection that’s set, primarily, in a country called Auringia. I’ve got to get the world-building worked out more coherently. It’s still brewing in my brain. It’s actually based on a book I started writing (physically, in pencil in a 3-ring binder) back in the 90s.  As usual, my pantsing got me painted into a corner that I couldn’t edit my way out of. With a bit more planning on the front end, writing the stories to completion will be more doable. I’ve got a big bad in mind for the series, but the mini-bosses will be interesting in their own way.

Far-Flung Reaches takes place in yet another unrelated setting. It’s not the far future of the Sentinelsverse or the world where Auringia is found. It’s a totally separate space opera environment. I’ll be picking bits and pieces from my favorite space RPGs, TV series, movies and from science and pseudoscience topics that interest me. I don’t have an overarching plot idea for this setting. I’m thinking the series will be more episodic in nature, but we’ll see if any big bads rear their ugly heads.

By locking in these domains, it’s forcing my subconscious to commit to the production of these stories. I’ve always wanted to write these stories in these three genres, but without a place to let them take root they have simply remained a vague notion for someday.

Well, someday is now. I’m doing this and I’ve got the domains to prove it! 🧐

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

That’s today in a blazing hot nutshell. Fortunately, as the peak of the week winds down so will the temperatures. The weekend is supposed to be quite nice. Thank God for small favors…

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