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Spring In My Step
I am feeling a bit better than I have in quite some time except for when I hit one of those “ouch” positions.
Can’t Bend That Way
The anti-inflammatories seem to be assisting with the overall pain that I’ve been experiencing due to my costochondritis. However, I still find certain actions and positions to be no-go zones. Unfortunately, I only find out about them the hard way.
Hump Day
Creative Irresponsibility
Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize. ~James Joyce
One of the things that draw me to the superhero genre is, of course, the haphazard violence that comics are famous for.
Sure there’s lots of character development and what-if speculation but it’s just not a comic book without somebody getting slugged, kicked, zapped or kapowed. That’s one of the central themes of the second book.
In the first book of the series, there are few supers in the world so there are not a lot of the comic book slugfests that are typical in the genre. The Sentinels are a very rare few and Counselor Deagle (aka Lucky Dog) has spent a lot of effort to set the group up with DoD clearances and all things needed to serve as adjunct consultants to local, state or federal law enforcement agencies.
In the second book of the series, the number of supers is increasing rapidly and not all of them are heroes.
That’s all for today. Hope you’re having a marvelous week.