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The Lies Of Monsters
I’m looking forward to November 4th. Hopefully, all the freaking Biden ads will finally stop showing up on every site I go to.
Grow Miracles
Out of difficulties grow miracles. ~Jean de la Bruyere
We’ve all had our share of hardships this year. It’s been absolutely nuts.
One of the great things about all this is that IT has finally entered the 21st Century. A friend of mine reached out to me about an opportunity at his place of work.
Naturally, I was skeptical.
I’ve been interviewing since 2010 for a better job than I last had. The world was still stuck in the 1970s.
Wear a tie. Commute in all kinds of inclement weather and adverse conditions. Bring your lunch or go out and hope it doesn’t take longer than your allotted time. Office politics. Broken elevators. Active shooter drills…
Thing was, there was a rumor floating around that people could just work from home and get the exact same results as if they were stuck at an office.
Well, Rob, that’s highfalutin Silicon Valley-type stuff there, bub…
Along came the Rona and suddenly people were scrambling to make the virtual office a reality. Luckily for me, my friend’s place had already figured it out.
Took a bit of time to get through the screening process but I’m finally where I wished I could have been back in 2010. Sitting on my cozy little couch with my scruffy little pocket wolf and my own bottomless pot of coffee, performing little miracles for the end-users on a daily basis.
Miracles spring up every day like wildflowers. You just have to stop and admire them from time to time.
Just Wear The Damned Mask…
Covid Mask – Monster Mash parody – Halloween lightshow 2020
A former Facebook friend of mine said that. “Just wear the damned mask” Might as well say::
- Just wear the damned burqa
- Just get to the back of the damned bus
- Just wear the damned yellow star
- Just let the damned Bolsheviks take over
- Just let the damned Red Coats search and seize without a warrant
- Just pay the damned tax on tea
Freedom is a duty and a responsibility. Acquiescence is the domain of the cowardly and the lazy.
If masks were actually useful, by all means, wear a mask. Unfortunately, it’s a placebo that doubles as obedient virtue signaling.
If you’re going to go visit a frail, elderly person in an assisted living facility, by all means, protect them from whatever illness you might be carrying. But, hey, why not just do a virtual visit? Keeps them safe and you can be yourself. Sure, they need a hug sometimes but face to face companionship via video chat is going to lift their spirits a whole lot more. You can stay longer. You can bring all the babies and unsanitary toddlers you want. Dogs, cats, pet hedgehogs, whatever. We have the technology.
As for the rest of the world, if I’m at the store or the bank or walking down the street and you’re that concerned about whether or not I’m a carrier of COVID or any other communicable disease, that’s what social distancing is for. Stay the fuck away from me.
I don’t need some self-righteous maskhole getting up my nose about the virtues of mask wearing, the alleged science or social convention. Stay not less than six feet away, preferably more, and keep your damned opinion to yourself unless I specifically ask for it.
An ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure but an ounce of leave me the fuck alone is worth a metric ton of happiness. Jus’ sayin’…
To Question The Lies Of Monsters
Transparency is key to reciprocal accountability, which we use to be both free and smart. It is the miracle tool that enables us to question the lies of monsters. ~David Brin
We’ve had a serious dearth of transparency. People who have something to hide are typically very good at obfuscating. When they have a horde of willing minions to help cover for them, it becomes even murkier.
🍂 Autumn 🍂 is a time for clear crisp air. I’ve noticed the sun shines a little bit brighter these days. In fact, it’s blazing right through my curtains and scorching my eyes on most occasions lately.
Maybe Kelly will actually order the drapes
I asked her to order a few weeks ago
so I don’t have to hang blankets on the curtain rods
to keep the morning sun from annihilating my retinas.
In any case, the clear 🍂 Autumn 🍂 air and the blazing 🍂 Autumn 🍂 sunshine are reminders of how things ought to be in our society.
There’s entirely too much being covered up, glossed over, lied about and trivialized to the point of nonexistence.
There are things going on that really matter.
My aforementioned former FB friend was of the opinion that she need not be bothered to think outside of business hours. It seems to me that her head-in-the-sand attitude represents what a lot of the default-to-Team-Blue voters seem to be thinking.
They vote Democrat because they vote Democrat because they vote Democrat.
Well, that was fine back in the days when Democrats and Republicans (theoretically) wanted what was good for the country but disagreed about how to go about it. Nowadays, we’re stuck with Republicans who act like it’s still that way and Democrats who think it’s Ten Days That Shook The World.
All this talk about “Democratic Socialism”. Bah, humbug! Their own primaries weren’t even democratic. If they actually gave a flying flatulence about what the voters wanted, Bernie would probably be running against Trump this year. They’ve got a party apparatus that is becoming less and less guarded about their attitude toward all of us peons.
They’ve picked the two least palatable candidates and allowed them to lie like rugs throughout the campaign. Not even simply shading the truth. Straight out lies and unadulterated poppycock.
They know that people like my former friend will just vote Team Blue regardless of the ridiculous behavior, outrageous lies and even blatantly criminal behavior of the candidates.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton was under investigation for the astonishingly criminal enterprises of the Clinton Foundation. She deleted over 33,000 emails that had been subpoenaed and destroyed all the devices where they had resided. If you or I deleted 3 or even 1 federally subpoenaed emails, we’d be wearing an orange jumpsuit indefinitely. Not only was she not prosecuted for this blatantly illegal act, much less what she was already under investigation for, she was free to continue running for the highest office in the land while at the same time running a disinformation campaign against her opponent that turned into a huge, fruitless investigation into collusion (not a crime, actually) with foreign actors (not Trump, but actually Hillary when it comes right down to it) and even an impeachment proceeding (on made-up “process” charges, while impeachment is reserved for high crimes and misdemeanors such as perjury) that fortunately failed to result in the removal of a duly elected President.
The “collusion” was actually between Hillary and an ex-MI6 agent and his Russian associates who fabricated the whole thing as well as the incumbent, lame-duck President and possibly also the VP. Her lies and conniving led to the waste of millions of taxpayer dollars in time and effort to enact a soft coup as a spoilsport attack against her opponent. Yeah, the Democraps are actually that despicable.
Now, we’ve got the guy with 47 years of bad decisions and his VP running mate who was so unpopular that she didn’t even hang around for the vote in the first round of primaries. Her polling was so bad that she dropped out before people could vote for everyone but her. But noooooooo! The DNC appointed her to Lunchbox Joe so that they could make her the 47th President of the United States of America without people having the chance to vote against her. They’re going to vote Team Blue because they ALWAYS vote Team Blue. They’re going to vote for “the elder statesman”. They’re going to vote for a doddering sock puppet who hides in his basement instead of going out and proving that he can do the job that we all know he can’t.
They’re already setting the stage for his removal. Crazy Nancy has been carrying on about the 25th Amendment and everyone knows that if Ol’ Handsy wins, he’s going to be Prez46 for about a week before they either talk him into retiring gracefully, yoinking him with the 25th Amendment or letting him catch COVID so they can hold an enormous state funeral for “the elder statesman”. Who knows? Maybe they’ll even build him a marble pyramid next to the Capitol Building like Lenin’s tomb next to the Kremlin in Red Square. People will be able to file through and see Creepy Uncle Joe lying in state for the next century as the Soviets did for Lenin.
That assumes they’ll win.
Pretty big assumption.
They think the fix is in. They’ve been bombarding the airwaves and the internet with ads for Creepy Uncle Joe. The press has been in the tank for Joe 110%. Big Tech and the Mainstream Media are certain they have this locked in.
They thought that in 2016, too.
They have learned from that experience, though. Instead of running a more viable candidate, they express their utter contempt for us by running an obvious pair of sock puppets. Instead of having a better platform, they just lie about everything all the time. It’s utterly ridiculous.
To add injury to insult, the sock puppet of choice actually has a major corruption scandal breaking right before the election. His son has a number of shady international dealings and now we discover that there’s been 10% for “the Big Guy”. Funny thing is, Biden isn’t denying it. He’s counting on his handlers and countless minions to drag his senile ass over the finish line.
Well, if the world makes even a little sense anymore, the finish line will be more like “GO TO JAIL | Go Directly to Jail | DO NOT PASS GO | DO NOT COLLECT $200“. Unfortunately, we can’t take that for granted these days. Villains go unpunished. Liars go uncorrected. Schemers go unthwarted.
More’s the pity because, should they get their way, we’re likely to become Venezuela North. The Blue Team’s policies are so ridiculous. They’re going to end the 21st Century and drop us back to the 1860s. Go figure, they’re still trying to manage a do-over of the Civil War. Jim Crow won’t just be to keep Black people down this time. It’s an attempt to “democratically” vote in a Bolshevik revolution.
It’s going to be so democratic that huge bags of absentee ballots for Trump are being sent to landfills by dishonest mail carriers. It’s happening all over the country. Project Veritas uncovered a ballot harvesting operation in Minnesota that seems to be associated with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. So, it’s not bad enough that she committed fraud simply to enter this country in the first place nor that she was married to her own brother, but now she’s engaging in election fraud?
What is it going to take to wake people up?
If the Blue Team wins this year, we all lose. If they lose, we’ll probably still lose because they’ll free the reins on the violent “activists” they’ve been funding to try to damage the current President’s standing with the general populace. Nobody asks where the pallets of bricks came from. Nobody asks how these people who are looting and burning seem to move from city to city. Nobody seems to care that the Vice Presidential candidate made up a story about Lincoln to try to make a point that had already been made with facts and reason from the actual Vice President
It has been observed that Mad Max took place in 2021. I guess we’ll see how things work out after the election…
It’s going to be a lovely weekend. I hope you’re enjoying yours as well.