Pretty Darned Weird

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Pretty Darned Weird

That was a common refrain when Kelly and first started dating. It was an unfamiliar circumstance for both of us.

We’re All A Little Weird

We’re all a little weird, and life’s a little weird. And when we find somone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. ~Dr Seuss

That’s how it worked out for us. We met at the wedding of mutual friends 30 years ago and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

At the beginning, it was rather weird. Actually meeting someone who fits all of the missing pieces in your puzzle is an oddly marvelous experience.

Knowing the joy of finally meeting and being with your perfect someone is a weird and wonderful.experience. It can be a bit overwhelming.

That’s part of the reason that when Kelly and I would drive places together, she’d sit there saying:

Pretty weird…pretty darned weird…

I couldn’t entirely be blamed for taking it as a warning, but I recognized it as a sign of her adjusting to new circumstances. It was only fair. So was I.

Even after thirty years of knowing each other, she’s my kind of weird and I’m her kind of weird.

But Not As Weird As “Weird Al”

“Weird Al” Yankovic – Polka Face (Official Video)

Part of our mutual weirdness includes a love for polka. One of the great things about Weird Al albums is that he always does a polka spoof medley of Pop songs.

This is partly because his father, Frank Yankovic, is a huge name in the polka world. It’s also largely because polka is a uniquely excellent medium for doing musical spoofs.

Thinking Through My Fingers

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers. ~Isaac Asimov

Whether I’m busting out code or recording the improbable events of other worlds, I do a lot of thinking through my fingers.

This is how I function best. I have a modicum of the Irish gift of gab, but I’m far more effective when I can control what goes out and edit before sharing with others.

I haven’t had as much time for fiction this week. Coding has taken the lion’s share of my waking hours of late.

That’s fine. I need to go back to the drawing board on my stories in order for the series to hang together coherently anyway.

I consider myself very blessed to be able to do both fact and fiction adroitly.

There are a lot of things that I am absolutely hopeless at. Most of them are supremely practical and I need to depend on others to do for me.

That’s how civilization progresses. People find their strengths and lend them to others for mutual benefit.

So few people get this and that’s part of the reason we’re all in such a bind these days.

Lots of people think they can do everything even though they can’t.

Lots of people think the world revolves around them even though it doesn’t.

We all need help sometimes but we also need to help others when we can.

That’s the way it should be. I do my best to live that way even if many think it’s pretty darned weird.

I’ve got nothing left in the tank today. folks. My head feels like it’s going to split in two. I hope your week is going more smoothly than mine.

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