Late Edition

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Late Edition

So, I missed Wednesday at 12:34 this week because I was asleep. That happens when you work 3rd Shift. I haven’t done that in a while, so it will take me a bit to adjust to that way of functioning again.

New Job

So, I got a call recently and when all was said and done, I had a new job at a local printing company. I’m learning the ins and outs of the mass direct mailing world. It’s a bit more technical than I anticipated, so we’ll see how it goes.

Old Sleep Schedule

The job may be new, but the impact on sleep is a familiar one. Work all night, sleep all day.

Fortunately, several months of physical therapy and a few visits with the podiatrist have put me in much better condition than the last time I trod a cement factory floor for 12 hours a night. It’s still less than ideal, but it’s nowhere near as painful as it was from late June through Groundhog Day.

If all goes as planned, I should get into the groove at work and be able to do something more productive than remain in a coma all day upon returning home. If not, we’ll see what adjustments can be made.

New Agenda

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. ~Alan Lakein

So, now that I have a work schedule and the death-like sleep that surrounds it, I also have a few days for other things. The nice thing is that there will always be either three or four days off continuously. There’s a little weirdness around the switch-over week but for the most part, there is a 5-week stretch where I’m either working three or four days at the beginning of the week or three or four days at the end of the week.

That being the case, I can schedule my entrepreneurial endeavors for the “off” part of the week. So, the blog schedule will have to adjust accordingly. Wednesdays are not really workable for now, so I’ll be switching to something more relevant to my job schedule. When I figure out what that is, I’ll let you know. In any case, it will still be twice a week (whether I have anything useful to say or not).

I’ve been stewing over my novel arc and have a couple pages of book one rolling. I’m not happy with the flow, but thank goodness for word processing software. I grew up in an age of typewriters. Even a word askew was enough to upset an entire page. Now, we can juggle paragraphs and entire sections with acrobatic ease.

Just the same, I’m used to writing as an observer, almost like I’m dictating a movie that I’m watching. I haven’t tapped into that movie yet. I’m trying to get the reels on the projector (yes, outdated metaphors abound in my crusty old mind). Almost there, folks. I’ve got the scene playing over and over, but the film keeps skipping around.

That’s the news, late though it comes.

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