Actually Summer 2021

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Actually Summer 2021

Well, the Solstice has come and gone but that means it’s really summertime now. Blech!

Happiness Amid The Heat

To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness. ~John Dewey

Okay, as much as I detest the whole field of information technology and basically everything to do with it, I am uniquely suited to perform the needed tasks. As such, this is how I need to make money right now.

Having tried some of the alternatives over the last couple of years, it’s the least worst of my remaining options.

😎 It’s all good. 😎

My colleagues are exemplary people. The work is interesting and varied. Who could ask for more?

Summer Stuff

Song to make your SUMMER road trips fly by!

Summer is a time for vacations, picnics, parties and general frolicking.

Bah, Humbug!

Summer is actually a time for bugs, humidity, sunburn, hurricanes and general suffering. Blech! I can’t wait for it to be over.

Why do hurricane lanterns look like that?

Heroes Mean Hope

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. ~Desmond Tutu

To me, one of the hallmark features of a “hero” is someone who maintains an optimistic point of view no matter how daunting the circumstances. This is what makes Tanda a much more appealing character than Dave.

They’re both going to be hammered in the upcoming book. They’ll face dreadful difficulties, personal crises and all around wretchedness.

They’ll come out stronger in the end, maybe. You’ll have to read the book to be sure.

So much to do that I needed to keep this quick. I hope you’re having lovely 🌞 worst season of the year 🌞 while I patiently wait for it to be over…

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