Working For The Weekend

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Working For The Weekend

I’m still way behind on a lot of things. โŒš Fortunately, sleep isn’t one of them. ๐Ÿ˜ด That’s one of the work-life balance items I’ve been paying more attention to.

Have Become

Men have become the tools of their tools. ~Henry David Thoreau

Even the illustrious Thoreau knew we would basically become slaves to the machine. Convenience breeds interdependence.

When something makes life easier for us, we come to depend on it. When it doesn’t work exactly as we anticipated, we begin to panic.

This is why I have a job.

I’m good at fixing software issues and helping people to stop panicking. Yay me…

Well, it beats humping it around a warehouse or factory all night until my feet and ankles can’t even hold me up anymore. That ship has definitely sailed.

Throwback For The Weekend

80s playlist – 13+ hours of top hits from the 1980s

I was feeling a bit nostalgic, so I found an 80s playlist to enjoy.

I could never go back to the days before video streaming, online banking and the end of the Cold War, but I do miss the cheerful optimism of the 80s. We still believed there would be flying cars by now…

If the current administration had its way, there wouldn’t even be cars (except for theirs, of course).

No Mortal Ever Dared

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. ~Edgar Allan Poe

This is what David “Hellion” Harz is up to.

He’s a child prodigy like Sheldon Cooper or Doogie Houser. He wants to use his intellect for the benefit of mankind.

Problem is, his family has a secret…

It’s so secret that most of the members of the family don’t even know there’s a secret. They just know they’re rich because their ancestors had enough money to pass down. Those who do know, wish they didn’t.

Up to this point, David has been using the resources at his disposal to create a network of schools for exceptional youngsters.

The New Century Academies provide opportunities to people who have the potential to excel in their fields but may not have the resources to afford this sort of quality schooling. He has a network of old-money families and nouveau riche associates to tap for scholarships.

As an intelligent and pragmatic person, he realizes everything comes with a price tag. What he didn’t realize was that the price tag for his charmed life was his initiation into the family curse.

How does a highly intelligent, basically decent guy deal with the prospect of being coerced into being an active participant in an age-old horror?

๐Ÿฆนโ€โ™‚๏ธ Enter the Anti-Villain ๐Ÿฆนโ€โ™‚๏ธ

David doesn’t want to end up on the wrong side of his family’s secret, so he will infiltrate and destroy it from within. Of course, as the saying goes: Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

This family secret is so old, so deep and so dark that he can’t entirely avoid becoming the thing he seeks to destroy.

The curse is so dreadful that even in his efforts to undo it, he cannot help but be tainted by association.

The things he must do to achieve his goal ultimately destroy the decency he was trying to preserve.

Sadly, for David, this series about The Sentinels is a tragedy. Even so, supervillains have to come from somewhere.

Tons to do, no time to waste. I hope you have the lovely relaxing weekend I won’t be having.

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