Autumn’s Back!

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Autumn’s Back!

After a mercifully brief spat of Indian Summer, πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚ is back in all its chilly splendor. Thank God for small favors…

Same Time

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. ~Thomas Merton

Who doesn’t like a two-fer? That’s one of the great things about good fiction. You can lose yourself in the story for a while and if it’s written well, you learn something new about human nature.

That’s what I’d like to be able to accomplish. I don’t have that skill just yet.

The skill I do have is programming. That’s what has been occupying my time of late and I dare say it’s been something of a work of art in its own right.

Β πŸ€“ I actually remember what I ever liked about IT. πŸ’»Β 

Okay, I had a little detour through stressville but it’s great being able to whip through a list of issues to make people’s lives a little better.

How To

How to Start a Publishing Company

It’s nice to have a paycheck again but the ultimate goal is still to get my publishing company up and running.

I’ve picked a name and verified that it’s not in use. Just have to save up for some of the startup costs and make it happen.

Secret of Business

The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows. ~Aristotle Onassis

What do I know that nobody else knows? I know my milieux.

The goings-on in the Sentinelsverse, Auringia and the Far-Flung Reaches of space are mine to tell. Nobody else knows the settings, the history, the dramatis personae or the underlying mysteries facing those characters.

Intellectual property of this sort is only worth what value I bring in the telling. I’ve got some skills to build and time to improve.

I’m feeling a bit run down this lovely πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚ eve, so I’m keeping it short and sweet. I hope you’re having a lovely week.

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