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End of Auguste
Rolling right up on the end of August and I’m not much better off than I was at the beginning. Okay, maybe a little. I got good news from the doctor but I’m still stalled on a variety of important tasks.
Idiocy In Action
The dead govern the living. ~Auguste Comte
Well, the brain dead govern those of us who are alive and awake.
What the actual fuck is happening to our country?
Boy, I can’t wait for those election audits to become public.
What will that accomplish? Who knows?
At least it will be on the record that the senile putz occupying the White House is there illegitimately.
We already know it, but it would be nice to have the actual paper trail for future reference.
Joe is doing his level best to make Jimmy Carter look competent by comparison.
The whole DNC playbook has been jammed down our throats and what an utter disaster it’s gotten us into.
Well, At Least It Wasn’t Global Warming
536 A.D: The Worst Year In History | Catastrophe | Timeline
I recently told you about the fall of the Western half of the Roman Empire, so here’s what happened to the Eastern half.
Things were going along about the same as they had for centuries when…
Apparently, a giant volcano blew in the South Pacific. Sure, volcanos go off all the time all over the place but this was a big one. It blew so hard it blocked out the sun for at least a year.
It dropped the global temperature a couple of degrees and the ashen cloud stunted crop growth on a global scale. The drop in temperature even caused the rapid spread of the Bubonic Plague.
Long story made short, đź’© really hit the fan in a big way. Check out the video above for details. It’s a real eye-opener.
Gee, and no Republicans or SUVs to blame for the almost instant change in climate? I guess they’ll have to erase some more inconvenient history now…
Waste Of Time
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. ~Auguste Rodin
Some people think that any kind of artistic expression is a waste of time, but I think that’s a rather jaded view.
What is it that people remember?
IBM’s quarterly reports from 1962 or Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker?
Some store manager at Woolworth’s weekly statement in 1910 or Michaelangelo’s work at the Sistene Chapel?
Most of the stuff I’ve worked on in my life is just plain gone. I used to have to work overnight every Thursday for years to get some project done that was improperly planned. Where’s that software now?
Do I think my stuff will have the ageless staying power of Sherlock Holmes, War and Peace, Lord of the Rings, A Tale of Two Cities?
Who knows?
Conan Doyle, Tolstoy, Tolkien and Dickens had something to say.
Do I? Who knows?
I’m not out to make some sweeping social statement like Tolstoy or Dickens.
I’m not sure what Conan Doyle’s motivation was for writing the Sherlock Holmes mysteries but it seems that Tolkien’s works were something of an obsessive hobby.
He invented the Elvish language in the trenches of WWI. The Hobbit was meant to be a bit of a lark for him, a kid’s story to get it out of his system.
I’m in the same boat. I made these worlds because I enjoy the creative process that brought them into being. I like the genres. I like the milieux. I like the characters.
Hopefully, my eventual readers will, too.
Do my customers like my code? Sure. I get compliments all the time for making the nigh-impossible come to fruition.
I appreciate being appreciated and I like providing value. Even so, this stuff is only going to last so long.
Besides, when I stop doing that, I stop getting paid for doing that.
When I’ve written and published a story, it can potentially keep earning for the rest of my life.
So, you tell me. In the grand scheme of things, what’s really a waste of time?
That’s it for the month of August in 2021, folks. See you in September.