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Falling Up
Okay, ❄️ little Winter ❄️ is over and we’re falling up to the 50s and 60s again next week as if it were still 🍂 Autumn 🍂.
The busier you are, the less time you have to make decisions. ~Armando Iannucci
It’s funny how stuff piles up. Things I thought I’d be done with months ago are still sitting there waiting to be gotten to.
I don’t mind too much. Better too much to do than being let go for lack of work to go around.
Even so, I do have things I want to get to that aren’t job related and they’re getting pushed to the back of the queue as well.
I’ve kind of had it with that. The work-life balance is way out of kilter.
Even though I’ve given myself off every Monday for the rest of the year, I don’t feel like that time is my own.
That’s stressing me out and I don’t like it.
I’m torn between the desire to go the extra mile to just get it done so it’s done and prioritizing all of my stuff that’s falling by the wayside.
No matter which approach I take, I find myself distracted from it by being irked by not doing the other thing.
So, I may be too busy to make decisions but it doesn’t stop me from begruding whatever I am doing over not doing whatever I’m not.
That’s a formula for burnout and I need to break the cycle before it spins out of control.
🥱 Frankly, I just need a nap. 😴
Leave me the hell alone and all that stuff will work itself out somehow.
Get Your 🦃 Turkey 🍗 On
Gordon Ramsay’s Thanksgiving Recipe Guide
Bacon wrapped Thanksgiving turkey? I’m in. Absolutely brilliant…
Well, technically, Chef Ramsay is talking about Christmas lunch but, according to my son, it’s too freakin’ early to be talking about Christmas! Stop talking about Christmas!!!
Not a chance, sunshine!
There are only 49 days until Christmas and as far as I’m concerned, it’s Christmas All The Time anyway…
As for the recipes in the video above. If that’s your happy place, have at it. That’s a lot more action than I have patience for.
All That Is Not Gold
Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. ~Leo Tolstoy
“Washing away from it all that is not gold” is a very good definition of editing.
Writers often anguish over the editing process but it’s really a process of testing and fine tuning your prose.
There are great tools like ProWritingAid that will assist in the mechanical aspects of writing.
There are great services like FirstEditing, NY Book Editors and Reedsy where you can hire excellent, professional editors to help you polish your finished product.
Of course, there has to be some gold in order to wash the other stuff away. You need some wheat in order to winnow it from the chaff, don’t you?
Well, Holly and Ivy is still in a fairly nebulous state. I’ve got the first 1091 words in but no solid idea of where to go from there.
This is my process, though. I’m stuck in a mental quagmire until the muse delivers at the last possible moment.
That’s irritating but it’s also where I’m currently at. As I mentioned above, it’s hard to concentrate on a Holiday Season Serial Romance or The Sentinels when I’ve got overdue projects from work that aren’t going to fix themselves.
Add to that all of the things that don’t involve me being at the keyboard. Groceries need buying. Gutters need clearing. Chores need doing. Too much to do and no time to do it, folks…
That’s all for now. I’ve still got tons to do and no time to do it. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend.